Cookies & Candy, Magical Glowing Ball, and Harlem Shake

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ChikaMC asks:

"*Laughs and hugs Pyro around his neck, putting her cheek against his and nuzzles him* You are really fun to hang out with Pyro! x3

1) All of you guys are so sweet! Have some Christmas candy and cookies! *throws them into everyones mouth* :D Merry Christmas! *Hugs everyone*  

2) What is your wish that you want for Christmas?! *takes out a magical glowing ball* It can make certain wishes come true *blushes*!"

Pyro: *blushes and mumbles something. He hugs back and nobody can see it but he closed his eyes as he squeezed you* M-m mmph hudda hud mmph mmm. *blushes and winces with embarrassment*

{I-I love hanging out with you.}

Everyone: *tries to say 'merry Christmas' but the cookies in their mouths muffle it*

Brookie (BrookieBeserkBerry): Mmmmmm!

Me: *I caught the candy and cookies* Thank you! *looks at the cookies* OO! Mint chocolate chip! My favorite! OH! And sweet tart candy canes hell yeah!

[A/N Thin mints are my FAVORITE girl scout cookies so that's why I like those. I don't like chocolate chip because one day I was sick and I ate chocolate chip cookies then threw up and then I couldn't stand homemade cookies for a while, but got over and then just couldn't stand chocolate chip.]

Sniper: *holds the cookie between his teeth halfway, and then leans towards Brookie*

Brookie: *blushes, then leans forward and bites off the cookie, her lips close to Sniper's*

Sniper: *chuckles and eats the rest of the cookie*

Scout: OO! What kinds of wishes can it make come true?

Sniper: If I wish that I could have Brookie in my arms by a fireplace, can it make it come true?

Me: *whispers* So kawaii....

CPS: Yeah.... *whispers to you* If I wished zhat I could have a kiss from Brooke (me), will it come true?

Me: Hm.... if I wish to have a wolf puppy, would it come true?

CBS: If oi wished for the whole BLU team to be dead would that come true?

Me: Guess we'll have to find out later. Next question!

@homicidalbraxton asks:

"I can't think of a dare or question so just dance to Harlem Shake y cause y the fuck not"

[A/N Refer to video.]

Me: *plays music*

Pyro: *taps foot to the music in the beginning*

Everyone else: *doing their own thing, acting normal*

Everyone: *starts dancing like a bunch of weirdos until the music stops*

Me: *is laughing along with Brookie* That was beautiful. Oh! Don't ask questions or dares after this! Next we have a little something special. *smirks* Scout?

Scout: Hm? 

Me: Come here for a sec.

Scout: *thinks 'uh oh...' then follows me out of the room*

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