Kisses and Hugs

489 10 20


"Meow, y@y Danke for the gloves CBS they @ biit biig on me. *smiles and holds up gloved hands* But ii wuv them none the less. ii h@ve @ questiion.

1) II w@nt kiisses two!! *crosses arms*  

2) ii w@nna swiitch clothes wiith CPS. IIf you don't miind th@t iis siir. *smiles*"

Medic: *shrugs. Leans down and kisses your forehead softly*

CBS: Oi guess oi shouldn't be so rough with the little sheila. *chuckles. Leans down and kisses your lips softly* There ya go.

CPS: Uh.... I uh.... *clears throat* I don't sink I can fit in your clozhes. You're too small.

@Newuha123 asks:

"*Walks to CPS* um..hai .. Wat do u like to do :3 and ur job is done ....and all so, can I have a hug? *Chuckles Nervously*" 

CPS: Well, I like to do all sorts of sings. When I'm not working, I like to sit at home, read a book, relax, drink some wine. I also like to go into town and eat at restaurants. And yes, of course you can. *pulls you into a gentle embrace, holding you close to his warmth* Zere you go.

Me: Can I have a hug?

CPS: *blushes* S-sure. 

Me: *giggles. Walks up and hugs him*

CPS: *hugs back, feeling my breasts pressed against his chest. Gets turned on a bit*

Me: You're warm.... Ask more questions and dares guys!

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