Nails, Lies, Creative, and Rescue Mission

711 12 205

@Red_Scout_ asks:

"*comes in tired on scouts back* that was brill! We should do that again! *yawns* i have a dare! *wakes up a bit more* i dare everyone to paint the person on their lefts nails BRIGHT PINK! Have fun!!!

Ooooooooh!!! I have 2 questions!!! *jumps up and down with exitement* 1, what was the last lie you guys said? And 2, what was the wierdest prank call you have ever done; oh, if you havent done a prank call, i dare you guys to do one to who ever. I can help someone if they want.*yawns again then falls asleep on scouts back* "

Everyone: *Engie turns to me, I turn to Demo, Demo turns to Soldier, Soldier turns to Heavy, Heavy turns to Medic, Medic turns to Merasmus, Merasmus turns to Pyro, Pyro turns to Spy, Spy turns to Sniper, Sniper turns to CPS, CPS turns to CBS, CBS doesn't bother to move and just hugs the ladies, Scout turns to Engie*

CPS: Yeah. I don't think I'll be able to paint his nails.

Scout: Hell yeah! I won't have to get my nails painted. 

CPS: Mm. Instead I'll just paint Scout's nails.

Scout: WH- *notices your asleep on his back and the just groans* Whatever. *he takes you off his back and holds you in his arms. He sits down on the couch with you and just let's you sleep* Let's get this over with.

Me: I have an awesome idea. We should paint each other's nails whatever color we choose! Let's do it!

Everyone: *paints each other's nails*

Scout: Mine are pink. 

Pyro: *his gloves were painted where his nails would have been* Mine are red and orange!

Soldier: Mine are red, white and blue! 

Demo: Mine are green. 

Heavy: Mine are red, white and blue. 

Soldier: *smiles* Ahh.... you're welcome.

Engie: Mine are pink with sparkles. *glares at Scout*

Scout: *holds back a laugh*

Sniper: Moine are grey. 

Spy: Mine are yellow. 

CPS: Mine are white. 

Merasmus: Mine are red.

Me: Mine are gold!

PopStickUke asks:

"*writes on the note and slides it back under the door* 'I'm angry. Someone broke my car while fixing it... Anyone care to cheer me up? Well at least you can try..'"


@Red_Scout_: "Hey? *knocks on the door and comes in* chill out. Its like... um.. the circle of life... people are annoying, i know that for sure. If u find them, get them! *hands you knife*...

I'll get you a drink. Its on me."

PopStickUke: ""I'll take the drink, but your speech left a lot to be desired. Good try, anyway.." *takes the knife eagerly, muttering incoherent words under her breath*"

@Red_Scout_: "Its ok. I can help if you want *has evil thoughts*"

PopStickUke: ""Alright... Fine, I guess.." She muttered under her breath, twirling the knife around her fingers."

End of Reactions

Engie: Oh no! Ah'm mighty sorry for ya darlin'. If you'd like, Ah'd be willin' ta fix your car up for ya.

TF2 Q & AOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora