Nice Ass, Cliff, Merasmus, and Hunting

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@Seryna_Luna asks:

"Well I better go before these two guys kill me *points at Engie and CPS* *stares at Brooke for a while* Oh sorry, you're so beautiful that I got distracted. But out of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favourite. *winks* Anyway, see you later, my angel. *smiles and walks away*"

Me: *giggles and blushes*

Engie and CPS: *grunt and mumble* About time...

Me: *watches you walk away. Looks at your butt* Hey! Nice ass! *slaps your butt* Alright. Moving on.

Engie and CPS: *jaws drop*

Helpless_Heichou asks:

"Scout, I am sorry about before, but Spy bribed me.... Anyway, *kisses scout* Sorry? Better? I dare Spy to go and jump off a cliff.."

Scout: *blushes* I-it's alright. Much bettah. 

Spy: WHAT! 

Me: Oh come on you french coward. 

Spy: B-but! I-I-I-

Me: Christian Pure.

CPS: *spawns a portal* Right zhis way. 

Me: *grabs Soldier and Spy* Let's make this quick. *drags them both through the portal, Spy still mumbling*

CPS: *walks in after me*

Me: *lets go of Soldier and Spy. I push Spy to the edge of the cliff*

Spy: Whoa wait!

Me: No. Not wait go now. 

Spy: But I-

Me: *groans. Walks up to Soldier* This is why I brought you here. *takes his B.A.S.E Jumper and forces it on Spy. Turns Spy around* THIS! IS! SPARTA! *kicks Spy off the cliff*

Spy: OH MERDE! *deploys parachute when he got to a certain height*

Me: *sighs* Christian Pure.

CPS: I got it. *spawns a portal underneath Spy*

Spy: *falls through the portal*

Me & CPS: *walk through the portal next to us. Teleports back to the base*

Me: Alright. Next question.

Spy: ...She literally kicked me off a cliff. 

Trishiplier528 asks:

"OMG GUYS! I 'ACCIDENTALLY' DRANK A RANDOM POTION FROM MERASMUS! NOW IM A CAT!!! I look cute though. *sits and does a cute meow*"

Tyhiara: *pets the cute cat* Awwww!

Everyone: AWWWWWW! 

Me: *groans* One sec. *takes out phone and calls someone* GET OVER HERE NOW!

Merasmus: *appears in a puff of green smoke* MERASMUS HAS AR-

Me: Yeah yeah yeah. Merasmus? What happened here? *points at the cat* 

Merasmus: *gasp* Is she the one that drank my potion?

Me: *nods* 

Merasmus: How dare you-

Me: Shut the hell up Merasmus. Just fix it.

Merasmus: Hmm.... I have to make a potion first. I'll be back. *disappears in a cloud of green smoke*

Me: *sighs* He's so annoying sometimes. Sorry about that, Trish. Anyways, next question.

Newuha123 asks:

"*waiting around* oh! *looks at heavy* I'll be right back I gonna go get my hunting gear ^.^ *runs off to go get it quick*"

Heavy: *smiles and watches her go* She's cute leetle girl. 

Me: *smiles* Aww, you're cute ya big teddy bear. I bet you two will go out.

Heavy: Really? That would be nice. *watches her come back with her gear*

love4music24 asks:

"*smiles * scout come on, its just like killing a human, but never make an animal suffer! And only kill the ones that cbs and brooke say okay too.

But if you want, you can just pick medicine/edible plants and berries"

Scout: Okay.... 

Me: *gasps* I HAVE AN IDEA! We should totally hunt for dinner tonight! We can pick berries and edible plants, hunt some game, you know! And then cook it all up and have a feast outside!

Engie: Yeah! 'Cause there's s'posed ta be a meteor shower t'night! We can have a feast while watching the meteor shower!

Me: YEAH! Let's do it! 

All the guys: HELL YEAH! 

Everyone: *gets ready to go hunting* 

Me: Scout, since you don't have much experience, we can't have you scaring away the game. So how about you go pick edible plants and berries while we hunt. Pyro, you too. But! Do NOT eat the berries before bringing them back to be checked. You don't want to accidentally eat a poison berry. 

Scout: *nods* Fine I guess.

Pyro: *jumps up and down excitedly*

Me: Alright! So! It's time to assign hunting teams. Me, CBS, Sniper, CPS, and Engie are on a team. Destiny (love4), Tyhiara (Newuha), Heavy, Spy, Soldier, and Demo are on a team. We'll go one way, and you guys go another. Feel free to split up though, but always have a partner! *leans over to Engie* I assigned the teams specifically so that when they split up for partners they can partner up with who they want. *back to normal* Now! Before we go, anymore questions or dares?

BrookieBeserkBerry asks:

"B: Well, I am happy to have missed much chaos o.o *sets down her sniper rifle, sits* Where is Sniper? I need hugs. Stat like.

Oh, also, Dare~ I dare anyone to go against Demo in a chugging beer contest."

Sniper: Roight here! *runs up and picks you up, hugging you tightly. Swings you around* Welcome back love! *sets her down* Hey Brooke?

Me: Yeah?

Sniper: Can she come with? 

Me: Sure.

Sniper: Yes! 

Me: She can join our team. 

Sniper: Alroight!

Me: We'll do the drinking contest at the feast. But for now.... LET THE HUNT BEGIN!

[A/N In the next update! LOL! The next update will be of the hunt. I'll try and update soon, but I'm quite tired and lazy right now. I had a headache while at school and on the way home. I also felt as if I was gonna throw up so. Yeah. OR! I might save the Hunt n' Feast update for a special a little later and answer normal questions. I just don't have the motivation to bes super descriptive right now 'cause I'm not feeling my best. I hope you can forgive me. Anyways, byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee!]

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