Time travel, child medic, wood chuck, race, WHO DAT?

778 18 14


"Meow, back piitches!!

1} if you could go back in time where would you go? And why?2} what would like to be for Halloween next year? II wanna be a Cheshire cat. *makes a clawing motion at Medic*  

3} Soldier what is your number one FAV movie? :3"

Me: Hm... good question. I think I'd like to go back in time so I could see Benjamin Franklin. (my fav person in history!)

Sniper: To before my parents doied so oi could see them again.

Me: *comforts Sniper*


Demo: *is sleeping*

Me: Goddamn it Demo.

Engie: Ah'm not too sure...

Me: I don't think anyone else knows what they'd do. Also, I'd like to dress up as an engineer for next Halloween. I dressed up as Medic last Halloween. 

Engie: Hm... like a cowboy. It'd make sense wouldn't it?

Sniper: A tacky tourist!

Me: How creative!

Medic: Somebody from zhe 50's!

Me: OO! Maybe I could wear a poodle skirt and match you? That'd be awesome!

Soldier: LIKE AN-


Soldier: Sorry. Like an American soldier.

Demo: A leprechaun for the laughs.

Me: *giggles*

Scout: A baseball player. 

Spy: *shrugs* Maybe a gangster.



Heavy: Like bear.


Me: *sighs* Next.

TatjanaMirkovic asks:

"Medic why did u become a medic/doctor? vuw you <3"

Medic: *chuckles* Vell, I had an interest in human anatomy and medicine since I vas a kleiner. {little one} I vas very curious and vanted to be a doctor, or a vet. But zhen again, I also had an interest in experimentation. *chuckles darkly* Yes... *the light makes shadows around his eyes, making him look sinister* I remember my first experiment, I was just 8 years old. I had-

Me: *whimpers* You're so damn scary Medic! That's so disturbing you had done that at such a young age!

Medic: *eyes widen* I'm so sorry! I did not mean to frighten you frau!

Engie: *puts arm around me and pulls me into him while glaring at Medic* Don't scare the poor girl, doc. We all know that when she actually does have a nightmare they're really bad!

Medic: I didn't mean to!

Me: It's okay. Calm down. 

Heavy: Next question.

@bananafhgvyjg asks:

"How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?"

Scout: As much as he freakin' wants!

Me: How much poot could a pootis man poot if a pootis man could poot pootis? *laughs*

TF2_BLU_FemScout asks:

"Scout do you wanna race? Or are you a chicken?!! Also hi sniper senpai!!~ <3"

Sniper: Hey sheila.

Scout: Hell yeah! Let's go! *the two of you stand in the middle of the room at the ready*

Me: First one to make it around the base and back in here wins! Ready, set.... GO!

Scout: *races you, and in the end, its a tie*

Me: Good job.

Scout: You did pretty good for a BLU girl. 

Demo: Next question.

JoannaNikolakakos asks:

"Um...okay so...What's the worst thing about being a mercenary for the Administrator? As in, like, having to deal with her bossing you around."

Me: It's not that bad. She doesn't talk with us much. But she is scary...

Miss Pauling: *walks into room* What are you guys doing? 

Me: *smiles and waves* Hi Miss Pauling! We're doing a Q & A! Wanna join?

Miss Pauling: Well... I don't have much time but I'll stay for a question or two. *reads question*

Scout: 'Ey Miss Pauling, what's up?

Miss Pauling: *barely pays attention* Oh. Heheh. She's not that bad. She's very serious though. I have to do a lot of work, but I enjoy my job. 

Me: Sweet. Do you guys have more questions? Maybe we'll have more surprise guests... 

Miss Pauling: Go ahead and ask more questions everyone.

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