Christmas and name reveal?

621 13 15

love4music24 asks:

"*laughing* okay, okay um....... what are your guys options on like favorite part a..about it and s..sttuff?"

Me: You stutter a lot don't ya?

Spy: *pinches me* 

Me: Ow!

Spy: Zhat is not polite!

Me: Sorry. You all know I have no filter.

Scout: I love all the presents!

Pyro: Hudda mm mph mmm hud hudda!"

{Getting to sit by the fire place!}

Spy: I love zhe soft Christmas music.

Medic: I love getting to spend time vith meine freunde!

Soldier: I LOVE-

Me: *glares*

Soldier: *gulps* I love getting to decorate the tree!

Demo: I love ta get drunk. Speakin' a which, where da hell is mah drinks woman!

Me: I'm not telling. By the way guys, I'm hiding Demo's drinks. He has a problem.

Demo: *mutters choice words under his breath*

Sniper: Oi loike ta see the look on people's faces when they open their presents.

Heavy: Heavy like spending time with family.

Engie: *takes off hard hat and blushes* Ah like gettin' ta be under the mistletoe. And ah like gettin' ta cuddle up by the fire with someone. At least ah'd like ta. 

Spy: What about you, Brooke?

Brooke (yes that's my name): *giggles* Well... *is off in my own little world of thoughts* I like the shimmer of the Christmas lights, the beauty of the decorations, I love the soft, warm glow of the fireplace. The snow drifting down to the ground outside, seeing the many presents under the tree. I enjoy sitting by myself at night taking it all in, silently singing sweet tunes. I love the sound of the crackling fire and quiet Christmas music playing in the back ground. The feel of hot chocolate as it warms me from the inside. *sighs dreamily* If I could, I'd cuddle with someone by the fire while sipping hot cocoa, maybe stand under the mistletoe with them. 

Everyone: *listens with interest*

Spy: Wow. 

Medic: Zhat is very nice. 

Engie: That was so sweet.

Me: *blushes* Thanks. Ask more questions! By the way, Miss Pauling had to leave.

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