So it all comes to an end....

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Me: Hello everyone. It's been years! A lot has happened and-

Heavy: *sobs loudly* Whyyy???!!!! 

Scout: This is so unfair!

Me: Well, as you can see the guys are pretty upset because this Q & A is at it's end. I am finally discontinuing it. I am sorry to all of my fans, I had tons of fun writing this. I am in college now, and I am not as big of a fangirl as I used to be. I still have my moments though... someday I'm sure I'll get back into it! I would probably just have to reread the comics or watch some animations lol. But for now, this is over. I just want to say goodbye, and thank you all so much for reading and supporting me. I've had so many laughs with you guys! And I had a lot of fun when I would make these. I appreciate all of you. Just so you know, I won't be completely going quiet. I've now gotten back into writing, and I've started some new fanfics of TMNT (2012 series not the Rise of the TMNT). My most recent is my Raphael x Reader My Pretty Little Thief, feel free to check it out. Again, I just want to say thank you. Maybe one day I'll start a new Q & A. Who knows? If you guys have any questions not regarding the guys (maybe questions like "what are you majoring in?" or "How is college? What's it like?") feel free to ask some! Goodbye everyone, we love you all!

Heavy: *still sobbing* B-bye! Прощай [goodbye in Russian]

Scout: *tears up* It's whatever. I don't really care. It's not like I'm gonna miss you guys or anything. *sniffles, clearly lying*

Engie: *takes off his hat and sighs* I guess this is goodbye. Hope to see y'all again. *sniffles*

Sniper: Bye everyone. Oi'll miss every one of ya.

Spy: Goodbye. It's been horrible. 

Me: *smacks him on the back of the head*

Spy: *sighs* Honestly, I will miss zhis.... Au revoir!

Soldier: I will miss everyone!!! Goodbye to everyone except the people who are not American!

Me: Soldier!!! *I scold* That's not nice!!!!

Pyro: *curls up on the floor and cries, mumbling* I will miss you all so much!!!

Medic: I suppose zhis is goodbye. Auf Wiedersehen!!!

Demo: *says with a drunken slur* I'll miss all of ya! I'm just gonna have to drink away the pain! *chugs his drink*

Me: Once again, sincerely, thank you all. I hope you all continue to enjoy life and fangirling! Bye bye!

Everyone: *waves* Byyyyyyyyeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

P.S. If you guys want to watch the TMNT 2012 series since it's no longer being aired, visit this site:  And search "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012" I totally recommend it, it's funny and awesome! And the guys are totally cute! I fangirl over them even to this day!!! Love you all! ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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