Chapter 39

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Cara's POV

*A year later*

"She's had a lot going on...We've been through a lot these past few months if you just give her another chance I swear-" I started but the head teacher cut me off.

"She's had many chances Mrs.Hemmings. She's been in fights, swore at teachers, walked out of class and now she's smoking? This is more than a violation to this school, we are a six start school Mrs. Hemmings, we cannot afford to have this type of behavior!" She yelled towards me.

"One last chance and she will not blow it. I can so definitely promise you that!" I said with a serious tone and stare.

"She has 4 weeks of exclusion then she can come back. We will send work to your house. We just need you to sign this form so we can add her whereabouts to our data base" She said and I signed the form she passed me.

"Thank you" I said to her and walked out of the office.

I turned the corner where Amy was standing on her phone with her back pressed to the wall and her leg up against it.

As I got towards her I pulled the phone out of her hand and put in in my bag.

"Mum! I was writing a tweet!" She yelled which caused stares from all the people passing.

"I don't care what you were writing! I just had to persuade your teacher to not exclude you! Do you want this? Jumping from school to school? You just start making friends again and you go and get yourself in deep trouble! Don't turn into what I was now get to the car!" I yelled.

"Dad wouldn't treat me like you have been. He'd understand and let me get away with it" She rolled her eyes and glared back at me.

"Well your dad isn't here is he!" I yelled.

"Joe was right when he called you a bitch the other day...And you're not even drunk" She snapped.

"Okay, for starters he was joking and second, how dare you talk to me like that!" I yelled again "Now get to the car before I drag you out and embarrass you in front of everyone!" I said through my teeth in front of her face.

She walked ahead of me and out of the door. I took a deep breath before following behind her and into my new car. 

"Hey Amy! You coming to the party tonight?" A boy asked as she walked ahead and I finally caught up.

"Yeah like I said i'll-" She started but I stopped her.

"No, she's not she's grounded. For a month!" I snapped again.

"A month? Are you being serious?" She said with her hands flying up in the air.

"It was going to be three but I thought i'd consult with your dad beforehand...Now move it!" I said and we finally made it to the car.

"You're so embarrassing you know that right? I thought you'd understand since you've done this before!" She yelled.

"Yes, I've been there and I've done all that but that doesn't mean its right for you to do it as well! I regret being in a gang, getting drunk every night and taking drugs. I want you to avoid getting too far into this, I don't want you to end up like I was" I said more calmer than I originally was.

"Whatever" She huffed.


"The thing is with her is i'm trying to help her out by stopping from doing all this and suddenly i'm the worst mum in the world" I groaned while sitting on the sofa with my dad and a cup of tea.

Torn in two (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now