Chapter 11

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Cara's POV

"TYLER!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while running to the other room.

"Cara...I'm okay" He rushed.

"The gun shot? Who was shot?" I rushed kneeling down to him since he was on the floor.

"Carla and Lisa...Their not dead yet..." He dragged out. I looked around but couldn't see them.

Fuck they must of got out.

"Where were they shot? Who shot them?" I rushed again.

"Only the leg and he did..." Tyler said pointing to the door.

"Dad?" I spoke out of disbelief normally its me he wants to kill or at least try.

"Why so surprised?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Maybe because you kinda saved us?" I was shocked. Who is this man?

"I wanted to help...I know I've fucked up" He started.

"No fucking shit" Tyler rolled his eyes.

"I'm not saying I want to be back in your life I just want to protect you a little bit" He sighed "But anyway you all best leave...I don't want people from downstairs after you" He said.

Everyone began to leave and I was the last trailing behind.

"Thanks" I said to him.

"I know sorry will never cut it but I am...I know you don't want me in your life but i'm going to go to rehab...Maybe in the future we can meet again and i'll be different" He said with a sigh.

"Maybe" I shrugged and followed everyone as they made their way towards the car.

When we returned to London we went straight home and settled in a little before picking the kids up.

Tyler wanted to go out so I gave him some money and he left.

I sat down on the sofa next to Luke and he was still talking to himself. I need to get him help on this but we need to take everything a step at a time.

"So..." I started but didn't know what else to say.

"You got rid of the cancer?" He basically asked.

"Not in a way i'd hoped for" I sighed and took a sip of my tea.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well...I was pregnant again and the baby attached onto the cancer and took it away. It died instantly" I sighed.

"I'm so glad I have you back" He said and rubbed my leg.

Luke's POV

'She's going to leave you again'

'Don't get attached Luke'

'Luke...Cheat on her...I dare you'

The voices were back and tormenting me again.

"Shut up just shut up! You have no idea what you're talking about to leave me alone!" I screamed and flipped the coffee table over.

"Luke! Luke! Who are you talking to? Are they back again? The voices" Cara softly said and walked over to me.

"I'm scared...They don't leave me alone" I cried and she hugged me.

"It's going to be okay...I'm going to get you some help" She sighed.

'Bye Luke'

The voice whispered. Were they finally leaving.

"Now your here...They stop...Every time you hold me they leave" I said still not letting go of her.

"We should go get the kids...You need to talk to the boys...Their a little angry with you for ditching performances...So are the boys" She said and pulled away.

We pulled up at the flat where the boys live and walked up to the top floor where their apartment was.

After several knocks at the door it finally opened and it was Michael.

"Oh so you remember are existence?" He sarcastically asked.

"We need to talk things out" I said.

"Yeah no shit...It was an asshole move Luke" He mumbled a little as we walked through.

"Mum!" Jayde and Amy screamed and ran over to hug her.

"Dad's back now..." Cara said to them and they just looked at me then looked away again.

"Has she gone?" Jayde whispered to Cara.

"Yes and she's never going to hurt you again...Now lets go get something to eat...Leave these guys to talk" Cara said and held their hands as they walked out of the door. I guess the babies are asleep.

Me and the boys sat down on the sofa just looking at each other awkwardly.

"We nearly quit as a band" Ashton sighed "You missed 4 interviews, 5 award shows,7 tour dates and all of our practices...All because of some girl? We have thousands of girls out there that love you and you replace them for her! Not only did you ditch us for her you seemed to have immediately forgot about Cara..." Ashton stopped himself from getting more angry by shutting up.

"Do we need to find a new lead singer or are you going to return for tomorrows gig?" Calum raised his eyebrow at me.

"I'm sorry guys...I didn't know someone could trap someone like that...I'm coming back and i'll do whatever it takes to repay you guys and the fans...You guys are my brothers...I love you all" I became soppy.

They all looked at each other then we all laughed.

"Let's order pizza and play some GTA...Then we can think about forgiving you" Michael winked and I pulled out my phone then ordered some pizza while Ashton set up the xbox.



lol hi


today while i was shopping someone committed suicide by jumping of a car park roof right at the top. many ambulances and police cars and a air ambulance came straight away. no one knows if he's made it or hasn't but i pray he has. its awful how bad someone can feel so it gets to a point they take their life. please, i beg of you please message me if you ever feel like hurting yourself. its sad that people get so sad they take their life. i love you guys so so so so much <3

well now thats over with....

PLS PLS PLS GIVE ME IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



ig- lukessboner

twitter- b00tymuke

kik- ashhemmo96

snapchat- bxndtubers


Torn in two (Luke Hemmings)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora