Chapter 5

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Luke's POV

Each day me and Carla have grown closer and closer.

All me,Jayde and Amy have been doing is arguing but Carla goes up to them and they eventually calm down.

Carla is really good with them but they seem to not like her. I have no idea why.

I announced to her maybe we should take things slow and when I did she didn't take it too well.

She threw a few books at me then screamed in my face so I guess we're straight up dating now.

I'm not ready but I don't want to let anyone down.

Jayde's POV

I sat in my room playing with my dolls by myself. Normally i'd okay with my mum but she's not here but I know if she was she'd be playing with me.

I went to take a sip of my drink but there was nothing left so I called down for my dad.

"Dad...Can I have another drink please?" I called downstairs.

"Sure one second!" He called back.

I decided to change the outfit of my doll while I waited.

"How dare you interrupt my time with your dad! When i'm round you're to shut up! God you're dumb! Just like your mum!" Carla ran in throwing my juice bottle on the floor.

"My mum wasn't stupid! She's twice the women you'll ever be!" I screamed and Carla took my doll then threw it to the ground making it break.

I heard footsteps running up the stairs but I was too busy looking at the broken doll. It was the one my mum used to play with.

"What's happening?" My dad said once he came in.

"I gave her drink to her and she knocked it out of my hand...Then when I asked if she wanted me to play with her she threw her doll at me and broke it" Carla sighed.

"Jayde? This is so not like you!" He said and rubbed her back as she faked cried.

"Dad...It's Thursday" I sighed with a small smile.

"And?" He had forgotten. What we do every Thursday.

"Every Thursday we put a film on then sit and eat pizza together...Dad its our thing..." I sighed. I wanted to cry but my mum said never let anyone see you down.

"We'll do it tomorrow" He shook his head.

"But we do it every Thursday" I sighed again "It's always me and you" I sighed harder.

"Right fine..." He shook his head.

So Carla will be joining us.

I followed them downstairs and went to sit next to my dad but she quickly sat down where I was going to sit.

We started watching a film Carla wanted to watch. It was so cringey. My mum never liked these types of films.

"This is shit...Jayde what do you want to watch?" He asked me.

"I like this film!" Carla screamed.

"Okay...Calm down" My dad backed away.

"Don't you love me?" She rushed and sat up.

"What?" My dad was confused.

"Why don't you love me!" She screamed and hit him multiple times with a large book.

I was so scared so I ran up to Tyler's room and hid there. He doesn't mind me in his room. I like to spend time with him.

Luke's POV

"Carla stop! We can watch this!" I screamed and she continued to hit me.

"Your wife isn't coming back! Fucking love me!" She screamed and continued to hit me.

"What the fuck is going on here?" A girls voice said from the door.

When I looked at who is my jaw hung open.






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i love you all <3


ig- lukessboner

twitter- b00tymuke

kik- ashhemmo96

stay rad


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