Chapter 34

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(Song- Time Bomb by All Time Low)

Cara's POV

With all the kids downstairs with the hotels babysitter I was sitting with the boys, the guys from All Time Low, Joe and Caspar. We were all laughing and joking about different things. They were all talking about their awkward 'guy problems they have faced it public' and we were also pretty drunk. And by pretty drunk, I mean we were completely out of it. I could barely talk, Michael could barely stand and Alex and Jack were uncontrollably at the cartoon that was left on the TV despite the face it was on silent.

"Cara...Aren't you pregnant?" Joe managed to ask but slurred on his words.

"I'll be fine...I've spoken to doctors and they said the baby is more than healthy" I shook my head "Trust me, the latest check up was yesterday morning and they said it was healthy and I was healthy" I added and the nodded.

"As long as your sure" Joe said and took a sip of his beer.

We continued laughing at our awkward moments and everyone was laughing the most at Luke's little 'moment' at an award show. We also spoke about my first few days with the boys. The good and the bad. I'm probably going to regret letting them no so much, maybe. I've already told all of them a lot, obviously the boys know everything and so does Joe because we've been friends for years. Luke and Michael know more than anyone else because they are the people out of the band i'm closest with and I know they won't judge me at all.

We began to play a game of truth and never have I ever. A game that scares me because its one way for people to get your deepest secrets out.

"Okay Cara" Calum started "This all the questions have been dirty so far...Have you ever had a threesome?" He added and I laughed.

"Oh god...Why would you ask that?" I tried to avoid the answer.

"Because I've been told you have I just wanted to get you to confirm it" He laughed.

Thankfully there was a knock at the door which saved me from confirming my very drunk mistake I made after going clubbing with the boys in Australia. 

I groaned because no doubt they would make me go get it, but I was also fine with it because it meant I didn't have to answer the question. And it's also 6am so its either the babysitter coming back, even though she said she'll keep them until lunch or a fan that managed to sneak in.

"Hello?" I said to the man holding a big package in front of me.

"A package for Casady Hemmings from Clarkson Richards...He did mention to call you Cara but he also said to call you Casady just for a laugh" He laughed and I laughed slightly.

How does my dad know the exact hotel? Well, I guess thanks to twitter its not that hard to find.

I pulled in the box and sat down with the letter in my hand. Everyone was watching me while they had their own conversations.

'To Cara.

I no im  not good with spelling nd grammar but please let me try. I hav been taking lesons on writin so please giv me this chance. I wnt to say that i no all the presents in the world won't make up 4 the past, nd i no i say that a lot but its tru. i'm no good with words so please look at these gifts and i wish u nd luke a happy relationship'

"It's a letter from my dad" I said with my eyebrows together.

"I thought your dad was meant to be some type of crazy dude?" Jack said.

"He's been trying to make things right and I guess i'm trying to...I guess i'm just tired of living in fear I just want to make things right before its too late" I sighed and opened the box "Jesus Christ" I breathed out at all the things in the box.

There was money, clothes and toys for the kids. A phone for Amy she broke hers and we haven't found the time to replace it. Football tickets for Tyler and some friends to watch the England game. And two plane tickets to mexico for me and Luke to take a trip away together.

"I'm gonna go to bed...I'm tired and I actually want to be productive for once...And you guys both have shows later so good night...Or morning" I laughed and walked into the bedroom.

I stripped out of my jeans and baggy jumper then searched through the draws for Luke's black shirt. I put it on then some holister shorts I got for my birthday. I tied my brown hair up that I dyed before coming here then took my make-up off. After applying all my face and body creams I jumped into bed and pulled the thick sheets around my body.

I felt a dip go down in the bed and turned to see Luke smiling while getting into the blankets and pulling me next to him.

"Calum's question caught me off guard a little" He mumbled with a laughed.

"Who told him?" I mumbled against his shoulder.

"Who do you think?" He laughed again "But at least he was respectful and knows you're still mine even though he got you for a little bit...And we were also drunk so when we both woke up in bed I was half confused" He added.

"Let's get some sleep...I don't want you falling asleep on stage" I mumbled and kissed his shoulder.




i dream of having a threesome with luke and significant other...try and guess who ;)

i'm trying to drag this out so much because i'm going to cry when its finished :((

but i'm debating doing a few more chapters as an extra about their life before they met (mainly cara's) or make it into a different will most likely be on this tbh.


you guys make me happy.

and thank you person i will not name for saying you masturbate over my selfies. (i feel slightly complemented)




ig- lukesb4bygirl

twitter- lukesb8bygirl

kik- ashhemmo96

snapchat- bxndtubers

don't hate, masturbate ;)


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