Chapter 6

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Luke's POV

What the hell?

Carla slowly pulled away when she heard someone at the door.

'How is she even here?'

'You're seeing things you fucking idiot'

'Slap yourself...No ones there'

'She's here to save you and the kids before things get out of control'

'Luke you're an idiot for thinking she's alive'

"You must be Tyler's girlfriend" Carla smiled while walking over "I'm Carla...Luke's girlfriend" She put her fake sweet voice as I continued to argue with myself.

"I'm Cara...Luke's wife" She slowly said and put her bags on the floor.

"Fucking idiot" I whispered to myself.

'Look she's there...' The voice said.

"She's dead...No...Stop messing with me" I muttered to myself.

"Luke? Are you okay?" She said walking closer.

"I thought you was dead" I said with my voice shaking.

"They didn't examine me properly...When they finally did they found a small bit of pulse...They managed to get it to rise...They said they called you millions of times but you never answered" She sighed.

'Just fucking hug her' The voice in my head said again.

"Just leave me alone!" I screamed at the voices.

"Jesus...Sorry I fucking spoke" She mumbled.

She looked the same. She still had all her beautiful features. Her pink hair and piercings.

She was wearing a baggy band shirt and jeans.

She still looked beautiful.

"Dad...I'm going to bed" Jayde said while walking out of the kitchen "Mum!" She screamed.

Jayde's POV

"I knew you weren't gone...I knew you'd come back! I prayed every night that you would come home and here you are! Carla said you have left us for good...That you left us because you hate us...I knew she was lying! Please don't leave us again...She hurts all of us" I whispered to my mum as she knelt down to my height.

"Of course i'm here!" My mum smiled "She hurts you all?" She whispered.

"Jayde why don't you go to bed" Carla smiled.

"I'll take you up" Mum said to me.

"I think you should go" Carla snapped at her.

"My house. My kids. My rules" Mum snapped back before walking up the stairs with me.

Once we reached my room we both sat on the bed and I cuddled into her.

"So...She hurts you all? What does she do?" She asked.

"Well...She's always breaking my toys and photos then blaming me...Connor hasn't been very well recently and she seems to be trying to make him worse...The other day a letter came through for Tyler about coaching at a top football club...She ripped it up then threw the evidence in my room...Tyler was annoyed at first but he knew I didn't do it..." I took a breath "And she lashes out on dad all the time...We was having dinner the other night and she didn't like it so she threw the plate at him then punched him...He's not feeling well either...He talks to himself and he has nightmares..." I finished.

"What else does she do to you? Tell me everything" Mum softly said while rubbing my arm.

"She slaps me if I ask dad for something while she's round...She trips dad into thinking i'm always badly behaved...She punched me once because I left one of my dolls in the hallway making her trip over...I had to tell dad I fell over while playing outside" I sighed.

"You've been so brave for me" Mum sighed.

"Please don't ever leave us again" I began to cry.

"I won't...I'm here for you all" She sighed again "Does she stay overnight?" She asked.

"Dad doesn't like her staying overnight but she does..." I trailed off.

"I need to find us a hotel...Do you think you can sleep here one more night?"She asked and pulled her phone out.

"I don't sleep...Carla is either screaming at dad or he's having nightmares...Tyler deals with the boys when they wake up because Carla doesn't let him leave..." I sighed.

"Right..." She said and ran a hand through her hair "Pack your things, tell Amy and get your brothers ready...We're leaving" She said.

"I knew you'd save us!" I smiled and jumped up then hugged her.

"Jayde? Are you asleep?" Carla said from the other side of the door.

I didn't answer so she ran straight in and over to me but mum didn't let her get near me.

"Luke may not see what you truly are but I can" She said through her teeth "I know your not this amazing girl...You fucked in the head" She swore at her.

"He's mine now" Carla said back.

"My ring says different" Mum held her ring finger up "Now I am taking my kids and we are leaving..." She slowly said then ran to my brothers room.

I ran to Amy's room and she was sitting watching a film.

"Amy! Mum's back!" I whisper yelled.

"No she's not Jayde" She shook her head.

"Yes she is now get your stuff!" Mum ran in holding Alec and Connor.

"Mum!" Amy screamed and gathered all her things.

I hope my dad comes with us. But then again he has left us for others before.

"Cara?" A boy said from behind us.

"Tyler" She said with a small laugh.

"How the fuck..." He trailed off.

"Pack your things...We're leaving" She basically demanded but I just smiled at how amazing of a women she is.

Tyler came running out with his football bag filled with a few needed items. We didn't pack much because we were only leaving for a little bit.

Tyler also picked up Theo and Justin before we began to walk down the stairs.

"You can't leave" Carla said from behind us.

"Fucking watch us" Mum rolled her eyes.

"Damn...My bitch of a sister is back" Tyler joked.

We got down the stairs and Amy helped mum with her bags because she was already holding two heavy babies.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked.

"I'm taking my kids away from your psycho bitch girlfriend" Mum said "And i'll be getting a restraining order on her" She finished then we walked to the car.






if you want to know what tyler looks like he looks like Sean O'Donnel (tumblr boy/model/photographer lmao) But yeah...Search him in google.


if you guys have any ideas then feel free to put them forward bc i wanna know pls pls pls

i've updated so fucking much omg


ig- lukessboner

twitter- b00tymuke

kik- ashhemmo96

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