Chapter 19

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Cara's POV

We were all finally home and things finally felt normal again. Luke was stable, Jayde smiled and everyone else was just happier. Now Luke is off tour and won't performing since they're all on break, we can finally have family time which is something we've been lacking.

It's also mine and Luke's birthday tomorrow so that also gives us another chance to bond more. We're having a few friends round,some drinks,a BBQ, there is going to be a bouncy castle to keep all the kids entertained and some music.

"Luke stop" I laughed as he kissed my neck with his arms around me while I cooked dinner.

"5 minutes" He mumbled against my neck.

"The kids are playing...We can't" I laughed "As much as I want to...We can't" I added but turned around to kiss him.

He seemed to be so turned on so it instantly rushed into making it a heated make out session.

"Mum! Dad! There's people at the door" I heard Amy call so I pushed him off and walked over to the door.

When I got there I saw a couple that looked around mine and Luke's age but they were probably a little older.

"Hey...Do I know you?" I asked.

"We've recently moved in...I'm Alison and this is my husband Jamie" She smiled and I felt Luke wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm Cara...This is my husband Luke" I smiled back.

"Oh you're in that band aren't you? My children are big fans...We all went to one of your concerts...You put on an amazing show" She smiled.

"You have kids? How old?" I asked.

"I have two daughters. One is 8 and the other is 10 then we have a baby boy that is 9 months" She said and I nodded.

"We have two daughters the same age and 4 sons that age" Luke told them and their eyes went wide.

"6 children? How do you cope?" She joked.

"Along with my brother that lives here and a dog that we're thinking of getting...We manage" I laughed.

"Wow...You both seem to be the only normal ones in this neighborhood" Jamie said.

"Oh...We're far from normal" I laughed a little.

"Well...Normal than most then" He added.

"Well...I have a dinner to cook...I'd really love to get to know you both a little more" Alison said.

"Well its our birthday tomorrow and we're having a few friends round for a BBQ and some drinks...There is going to be somethings there for the kids if you'd like to come?" I asked them.

"Oh that would be lovely!" She smiled "Shall we bring anything?" She asked.

"Just yourselves is enough" I smiled back.

"We best get back...See you both tomorrow then" She said and they both smiled before leaving.

I closed the door and looked at Luke who seemed confused.

"What?" I asked with a laugh.

"They think we're normal" He laughed.




"Luke! Stop eating everything! Its for the BBQ!" I said to him as he filled his mouth with small sausages.

"I'm hungry" He said with his mouth full.

"Well have a microwave pizza or something" I shook my head and continued setting everything up outside.

"Man we're getting old" He said and walked closer.

"Were 24! I refuse to think i'm old!" I shook my head and laughed.

"I mean...Is that a grey hair?" He said and lifted a piece of pink hair up.

"No...No fucking way!" I rushed and pulled my phone out to look at my reflection on front camera.

I looked through my hair then pushed him.

"You're such a prick" I laughed and did too then kissed me.

With our lip piercings catching onto each other he had his hands gripping my hips and rubbing his fingers over the two studs each side of my hips while I played this the small curled pieces of hair at the bottom of his head.

"You two are gross..." I heard and we pulled away to see Amy.

"You so owe me later" He whispered in my ear and nibbled on it slightly.

"If you're lucky" I whispered to him and smirked.

I opened the garden gate as I heard people beginning to start knocking. Everyone started coming in and handed over cards and presents with smiles on their faces.

Shortly we were joined by our new neighbors and their children instantly made friends with Jayde and Amy which made me happy because they don't have many friends.

I sat down drinking a whole bottle of pear cider while Luke and the boys drunk bear. I was talking to Alison mainly. We've arranged to go out for the day...I suggested going to the rugby field to watch all the hot players and she agreed although Luke and Jamie didn't seem to forward for the idea but that only made us laugh.




I was laying in bed wearing Luke's flannel with a lacy brazilian piece of underwear. I had my chin pressed onto his bare chest and he was playing with my hair.

"You owe me remember" He smirked and flipped me over so he was hovering above me.

"We're going to have to be quiet...I know what you're like" I winked.

"No promises" He laughed and kissed my neck roughly.



i want to write smut for this but when i half wrote smut someone messaged me telling me that they're 9 and they don't like that :/// so if you want smutty fanfics read my others lol.


i've caught feelings...#pray4ash

i watched a fight earlier...pretty funny bc the boys were pussys lmao.



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stay rad


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