Chapter 32

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Cara's POV

"FUCK SAKE!" I heard Luke scream from the kitchen which made me laugh because he's probably failed at cooking again.

I got up from my space on the sofa and walked over to the kitchen to see what he's done now.

"What's happ-FUCK" I changed my sentence after looking at the flood of water from a exploded tap.

"I just wanted a drink..." He dragged out.

"Call the plumber...I need to go meet my dad" I laughed then put my boots on and picked my keys up.

"Text me if anything happens" He said then kissed my forehead.

"I'm a big girl...I can look after myself" I laughed then walked out.


I sat at the cafe we were meeting at and sat waiting for him. Its been 10 minutes and he still hasn't shown up. He's probably drunk and in a ditch. I don't know why I expected changed.

"Cara, i'm so sorry i'm late...I had to pick something up" He said and sat down with a box in his hand.

"That's fine...I've just been tweeting" I laughed and he handed me the little box.

I opened it to see the pair of earrings I've been posting all about on twitter for weeks on end. I was shocked that he's actually spending money on me for once instead of buying something for him to get high and drunk on.

"Dad, if I knew we were buying presents I would have got you something" I sighed "But thank you...They're beautiful" I smiled and quickly put them in.

"That's okay...I know it will never make up for-" He started but I cut him off.

"Let's just not talk about that stuff and focus on now" I quickly said and he smiled.

It was actually a really nice day. He was asking about the kids and wanted to know about Jayde and her dream of being a performer like her dad. She's actually a good singer considering her age, the boys have been giving her advice. Luke's teaching her how to play guitar and Ashton taught her how to play a little bit on the drums. It made her smile so I was happy. Amy just wants to have a normal job but she likes the idea of acting. She's taken part in things in school and Luke was going to pay for acting classes but she's too scared. 

He also asked about Tyler and I told him how he's at a football academy and has a lovely girlfriend. Tyler will be playing in a friendly game in wembley stadium in a few months and i'm very proud. He said he'd like to see him and I said I'd ask him but I'd obviously have to talk him round a little after all the stuff he said.

He also said he'd like to see Luke in one of his shows and I said next time they're in London I'll get him some tickets or take him in with us. He also began telling me about how his counselling is going and how the rehab center is really helping him and that he's sad he didn't go sooner.

"Well...I need to get going...I left Luke alone with the kids and a broken sink" I laughed and got up.

"Of course...You're a really good mum you know that? Them kids are very lucky...I hope we can meet again another day" He smiled and gave me a small hug.

"Of course...I think i'm going away with Luke and the band for a little bit but i'll be back after a month and a bit...I'll message you" I smiled and walked to my car.

"Hey Cara" Alison said while walking off her porch.

"Oh hey...I'll send the paperwork over to you tomorrow okay? I haven't found time to do it when Luke isn't around" I whisper to her.

"Its no bother...Me and Jamie are very thankful you're doing this for us" She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked and she nodded.

We walked in a I could hear crashing coming from the kitchen so I guess the plumber was here. Both of us walked through and Luke was watching and pointing at things like he actually knew what was happening. Shay was in the corner just staring down at the man with his mouth open and his eye wide. Which I soon understood why because me and Alison joined shortly after.

The man was extremely hot. He had no shirt on due to how bloody hot it was, he was tanned and had amazing muscles. He had a few tattoos and he was hot.

"Christ" Alison mumbled.

"Agreed" Shay said.

"I third that" I added.

"What are we all agreeing on?" Luke asked clueless.

"Oh um...Takeaway for dinner" I covered up.

"Oh..I fourth that?" He said and hugged me from behind but we all continued to stare at the man.

Luke was honestly so oblivious to three people staring and dribbling over him. It was cute and funny.

"Well that's all done...If you need anything else give me a call" He smiled and stood up "You should definitely call me" He smirked and I thought it was towards me.

But no, it was towards Shay. All I heard was Luke laugh and me and Alison groaned. Despite being happily married with kids. And we now have a dog that Luke gives me fuss over than over me.

"Yeah...O-Of course" Shay stuttered like a school girl.

After the man left, all three of us let out a laugh and Luke was still clueless to what was happening but I just kissed him then we all ordered a Chinese while watching films with the kids.



lol what even.

i'm gonna double update bc i dont wanna forget the idea i have




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