Chapter 16

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Cara's POV

"Jayde...No one is going to hurt you" I sighed. She's so frightened to go to sleep in case something happens to her. To be honest i'm pretty scared too.

"Can't I just sleep in your room again?" She sobbed.

"Fine...Go" I sighed again and she ran into my room.

Sighing I walked back downstairs where I heard the phone ringing.

I smiled after picking up once I heard the voice.

"Luke...You finally called" I smiled once I heard his little laugh "How are things going?" I asked.

"Great actually...They said I can come home tomorrow" He said and I smiled in excitement.

"So you've made a lot of progress!" I was so happy for him. We can finally get things back to normal now.

"I need to take tablet and go to monthly meetings but other than that i'm fine" He seemed very happy too.

"I can't wait to see you...It sucks being here by myself" I groaned.

"What about the kids? And James?" He asked.

"The kids are always playing and I don't think its appropriate to kiss and cuddle James. Do you?" I asked and laughed.

"True...Well we can cuddle all you want tomorrow...Can you pick me up? I want to get out as soon as I can" He asked.

"Of course..." I smiled.

"Mum!" I heard Jayde scream.

"I gotta go...I'll pick you up tomorrow morning okay?" I sighed.

"Sure...See you tomorrow...I can't wait" I could tell he was smiling just by his tone.

"Me either" I smiled and hung up.

I ran up the stairs after I heard her scream and finally go to the room to see her hiding under the covers.

"Babe...There's nothing there" I said and lifted up the covers to see that she was shaking.

"I-I don't want to be taken away" She cried.

"Taken away? Taken by who?" I asked.

"Them..." I instantly knew she meant so I just cuddled her.

"They'd have to get past me first...We all know they can't" I laughed and she did too "Let's get some sleep...We're picking your dad up first thing in the morning" I said and I began to fall asleep.




"Jayde! Get your shoes on!" I yelled upstairs.

"I'm not going" She yelled back and I ran upstairs.

"Why?" I said in a stressful tone. I wanted everything to be perfect before he came home.

"I'm staying home with Tyler and his girlfriend" She said.

"No Jayde! Your coming with me" I yelled. I never yell at her but i'm so tired of her being annoyed with Luke for no damn reason.

"Fine" She mumbled then ran to the car.

I checked my appearance in the mirror before anything else. I had my make-up as it usually is. I hate it when people say I wear too much. If i'm happy wearing it then let me. It makes me feel more comfortable. Even though Luke calls me perfect when I have no make-up on, it doesn't stop me from thinking i'm not. I had a red crop top on with a leather jacket and jeans with some converse. I died my hair two different shades of blue last night so I curled it so it was on full show.




Luke was waiting at the door of the rehab as I pulled up. I parked the car and I could see he was smiling which just made me smile more.

"Jayde...Are you coming?" I asked her.

"He put her before me...Why should I? How about I put someone before him" She snapped. She's nearly 8 and she's already like this with me.

"She's not coming back...Just give him another chance" I sighed and she cried.

I climb into the backseat, probably looking like a huge dick but I needed to know the full story. It can't just be this.

"Jayde...I know you're not telling me everything...What else happened?" I asked.

"I heard him one night saying he'd pick her over us...He basically did right? He let her into our house and ignored me when I wanted to tell him what she was doing. When I did tell him a little bit he didn't believe me...He said to Tyler that I was probably jealous because he has someone new....He still doesn't know how much she used to hurt me..." She said and put her head on my shoulder.

"That's never going to happen again...I promise" I tried to persuade her.

She nodded then got out of the car and slowly walked over. But I ran over and jumped into his arms.

"I've missed you so much" I said then kissed him.

Our kiss was its usual. Our lip piercings would touch of one another, he would play with my tongue bar and i'd twist his hair around my finger.

"Ew...You're gross" Amy gagged "You're old and still...Ew" She gagged again.

"Excuse me...We're not that old" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

We walked back to the car and Jayde was still being really awkward with Luke. I needed to get them to do something together and I had half of an idea.




After Luke unpacked his things and took some of his tablets we decided to go out as a family for dinner.

After we ordered we were told it was going to be a long wait due to how many people are ordering. Despite my groans because I was starving I still managed to make conversation.

Amy and Jayde have gone to the park that the restaurant had outside and the babies were awake and thankfully they were being quiet.

"You and Jayde need to do something together...She's pretty pissed at you" I said to him.

"Like what?" He asked.

"She loves one direction...Since they're quite close friends of ours...We can get tickets for the show and backstage passes for her?" I suggested.

"I'll call Niall later then...Is she seriously that pissed with me?" He asked and I just laughed.

"You have no idea" I shook my head.



srry if this was shiiiit.





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