Chapter 37

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Cara's POV

"No Luke...Luke you can't finish the band! Think of the fans...How are they going to react?" I sighed holding his hand.

"Look...I'm not saying we will never perform again...I'm just saying that maybe me and the boys take a long deserved break...We're all tired and we just want to rest for a bit...I have a family to look after and its not fair you looking after them yourself and i'm missing out on everything that's happening...And don't even pull the 'we can skype and snapchat' because that's not the same as being right here with you" He argued.

"Fine...I guess you're right" I sighed finally giving in even though the urge to argue was high. 

I do agree that I want him home because late night Skypes and all day snapchats just aren't the same as him being right beside me. Hearing his cheerful laugh coming from next to me, how he'd play with the kids, I miss him chasing after our dog Jaspar and I miss his warm body laying right next to mine, his arm wrapping around me as he clenched into his shirt I was wearing that still had the scent of his aftershave. I miss the feeling of his lips when they attach to mine or when they are kissing all over my neck. All the dorky things he does, I miss and watching films while eating unhealthy food, I would have my legs over his, his arm would be wrapped around me and my face would be buried into his neck then when I got bored of the film i'd kiss all over his neck until his attention went from the TV to me. 

I miss the attention he'd give me when i'm with him. I admit fully that i'm a very needy person in the relationship. Not needy by wanting presents all the time but needy as in random hugs and kisses. The simplest things make me happy like when he addresses me as his or when he smile when my name is mentioned in an interview. I love when they ask for the meaning behind one of their songs and he says I was the inspiration behind it.   

"Anyway I need to head over to Joe's for his party...I'll see you later" I said then kissed his forehead that left black lipstick on and laughed as he tried to wipe it off.

I picked up my black denim then kissed all the kids goodbye and ran into the uber Joe had ordered to take us to the venue of his party.

"Woah...Cara you need to chill out on the shots, love" Joe laughed and held onto me as I lost my balance.

"I've only had three" I laughed slipping over as I tried to get to a seat.

"More like thirty...I'll get Oli to drive you home" He laughed.

"No..." I dragged out like a whiny eight year old "Its way too early to go home...One more drink then i'll disappear" I laughed and threw my hands about.

"Okay...One, its three in the morning. Two, you have stuff to do later. And three, take this however you want but you turn into a foul bitch when you're drunk" He said sternly.

"Well...I'm a bitch and proud" I smiled.

He shook his head at me but tried to hide his laugh which didn't work because he burst out right after.

"Fine...I'll go home" I groaned "I'll walk" I groaned again.

"No way...Oli is driving you" He demanded in a protective tone.

"Shut up" I groaned with the pain of my hangover at Luke.

"I didn't even say anything...I'm posting photos of you on my snapchat" He laughed.

"No! No fucking-" I said and quickly unlocked my phone then looked at his story which had nothing of me on there.

"That's the fastest you've ever moved but erm...We've got our last show today and we're singing a song that Michael helped Jayde write...We all want you to hear it" He said and pushed my messy hair out of my face.

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