Chapter 7: Inner Turmoil

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Stormy on the other hand was sitting inside Toby's apartment, watching him cook dinner.

"Can I at least give you a hand?" Asks Stormy, as she feels useless just sitting there.

Toby turns to face her, "Only if you want too. You could stir this while I go to the toilet."

He hands her the spoon and she hops up and starts stirring the pot on the stove. Toby hurries past her and runs to the bathroom. While he is in there, Stormy stirs the pot and watches the second pot start to boil. She turns that hotplate down and watches as it continues to boil. It starts to boil more and Stormy has to stop stir.

She has to figure out away to stop the other pot boiling over, she tries to see if she could use the power of wind to cool it and as she blows, she makes it catch on fire as she blows a tea towel into the hot plate.

Stormy quickly fills a glass of water and chucks it on the small fire. "Shit, shit," blurts Stormy, as she keeps trying to put the small fire out.

As she turns around to grab another glass full of water, Toby is standing there watching her.

"What have you done?" Asks Toby.

"I-I-I ah," says Stormy as she can't bring herself to say what actually happened. She drops the glass and runs out of his apartment.

She rushes to the elevator and frantically presses the button. She can hear him yelling out her name.

"Stormy, come back. Stormy!" Yells Toby from his apartment as he tries to get everything under control.

The elevator doors open up and Stormy quickly hops in. She presses the top floor button and hopes that the doors close before Toby can reach the elevator. She leans against the back of the elevator and starts to shake.

Stormy's hands start to shake after every time her powers destroy something, the shaking has only been going on for the last three months and every time she shakes she cries. She places her shaking hands over her eyes and feels them start to well up.

Stormy wishes that she could have any other power but destruction. Growing up she loved her power, because she could always have so much fun with it but now it is just ruining everything.

The elevator reaches her level and she runs back to her apartment. She quickly opens the door and rushes straight past Bailey.

"Hey Storm, are you okay?" Yells Bailey as she watches Stormy run upstairs.

Stormy ignores Bailey and runs straight for her room. As she enters her room, she slams her door and releases her hands. Her hands surge and she breaks her stand up mirror. Bailey comes rushing up stairs and knocks on Stormy's door.

"Stormy, what was that? Are you okay? Let me in," bangs Bailey on the door.

Stormy drops to the ground and feels the mirror shards on her knees.

"Stormy, let me in now," bangs Bailey.

Stormy turns around and uses her hand to guide the door open but as she swings it open the door handle comes flying off and lands in front of her.

"Stormy, what happened?" says Bailey as she slowly walks in to her best friends room.

She notices the broken mirror shards all over the floor and can see Stormys knee bleeding. Bailey walks over to Stormy, "Storm, you need to get up from the ground. Your knees are bleeding."

Stormy looks down and laughs.

"Its okay, they will be fine," responds Stormy.

"Stormy, they wont be fine. Please get up," replies Bailey, as she tries to pull Stormy up.

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