Outside The Lines {20}

Start from the beginning

                “Because we’ve been secretly dating,” I said. She stared at me in shock and I nodded, quickly explaining everything to her.

                She shook her head slowly. “I can’t believe it,” she whispered. She punched me in the chest and I winced, rubbing my chest. She glared at me. “You know Theo! He was the one guy I really liked and you…it’s not even that you dated him! It’s that you hurt and embarrassed him in front of the whole school!”

                “You think I don’t feel bad about it?” I demanded, returning the glare. “I was just at his house! I tried to apologize to him! I tried to fix everything! But I fucked up everything too bad to even hope to fix, and now I lost the boy I fucking fell in love with!”

                I shoved by her roughly and ignored my parents as they came out, looking confused. I rushed upstairs, locking myself in my bedroom and collapsing on my bed.

                I reached under my pillow, pulling out Dimitri’s scarf. I wrapped it around my neck, breathing in his scent and trying to keep calm. I can’t believe I had just ruined everything with Dimitri. Now I had lost him, and I couldn’t get him back.

                Why had I rejected him? Why did I have to be so embarrassed about Dimitri’s flamboyance? Why was I so freaking stupid?

                “I hate myself,” I groaned, banging my head against my pillows, wishing I could just erase today.

                I heard a clicking sound and looked over as my bedroom door swung open. My mom tucked a bobby pin into her pocket and stepped into my room, shutting the door. She came over and sat on the edge of my bed, frowning.

                “Thalia told me what happened in school,” she said. “But I want your side. So, tell me exactly what happened. All of it, Theodore.”

                I sat up, clutching Dimitri’s scarf. I sighed and told my mom everything, from the moment we first kissed up until what had just happened at Dimitri’s house.

                When I was done, I sadly began to play with the edge of Dimitri’s scarf. I winced as my mom smacked me in the back of the head and looked up at her in shock.

                “What the hell was that for?” I asked, rubbing my head.

                “For giving up on him so easily,” mom said.

                “He doesn’t want me anymore,” I said, dropping my gaze to my hands. “Ow! Quit doing that!” I snapped as she smacked me in the back of the head again.

                “Theo, he still wants you. He just thinks that you don’t want him,” she said, shaking her head at me. “So if you love him like you claim you do, you need to prove that you do want him. Yes, you screwed up big time. Yes, it could take a while for him to forgive you. But if you truly love Dimitri, you’ll keep trying. He’ll forgive you if you keep trying. I know he will.”

                I searched my mom’s eyes. She had never been wrong before, and I just prayed that she wasn’t about to start.

                “How do I prove it?” I asked.

                “Start by fixing what happened today. If you’re too embarrassed to be with Dimitri, then don’t even bother trying to fix everything. But if you really do love him, that you’re just going to have to accept his flamboyance. Be open about your relationship with him, Theo. It’s a start,” she said, putting an arm around my shoulders. “You’re an idiot and you messed everything up. But you can fix it before it’s too late.”

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