Where Is Tenderhoof?

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Dash POV

"Oh my gosh Rarity, this is an idiotic idea," i moaned.

"Rainbow Dash, i thought you were loyal"

"I am"

"Then you can stop your complaining and help me"

"Help you with what"

"Find Tenderhoof of course"

"How did this suddenly turn into hide and seek"

"Honestly Rainbow Dash, you can at least show some enthusiasm"

"Woo hoo," i said sarcastically, twirling my finger.

"Im starting to regret bringing you with me"

"Oh thank goodness"

"But its too late now"


Someone brushed my arm. I looked up at a guy that looks like Tenderhoof. Funny, i thought he goes to Crystal Prep. Maybe he transferred. I don't know.

"Uh Rarity-"

"Not now im busy looking for my man"

"Yea and hes-"

"Not now"

I looked at him, writing in s book. Maybe she will spot him while hes there.

Like im a mystic, she looked at hid direction.

"Ah there he is, Dash why didn't you tell me"

"Seriously," i said through clenched teeth.

"Ok Dash, we need a plan"

"I thought we had one"

"Yes, but we need to approach him"

"Like a normal person"

"Really Dash, just walk up to someone and say i love you"

"Who said you have to say that right as you meet him"

"Hm, what was that dear"

"I mean cant you just break the ice or something"

"Yes yes, ill say my name is Rarity, but you might remember me. Applejack isn't into you but i am. Feel free yo call me, here's my number, i love you"

"Was that all sarcasm"

"No, im really going to tell him that," she sarcastically.

"Here's some probably not so good advice, why dont you do what me and Soarin did"

"Oh what was that"

"Become friends, become close, make the move, say i love you, and then bam your a couple"

"I can't do this," she covered her face with her hands.

I looked at Tenderhoof. I grabbed my phone. I texted Soarin to come over here.

Next thing you know, they were chatting. This gotta work. Soarin walked Tenderhoof over here as Rarity lifted up her face.

"Hey Rarity, want to help me later," he said.

"Uh y-yes," she stammered.

"Great, see you at 7:00"

I hugged Soarin and Rarity was hopping with glee.

"Thank you Soarin," she said gleefully.

"Actually thank Dash, she told me to do it"

"Thanks Dash, you are a great friend"

She gave me a sappy hug, but it felt as if Soarin is hugging me. So i didn't hesitate and let her hug me.

"Gotta go, have to find an outfit to wear," she said, and ran off.

"Thanks Soarin"

"Anything for you"

I laughed nervously. He is somehow making my head spin. I guess ill be having dreams about him alright.

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