19: Sisters and Brawls

Start from the beginning

"You don't believe her?"

"I thought he had his reasons. It was a war, for Andraste's sake! Before I went to the Free Marshes, he was never...," he trailed off. Hearing the tales from his own family and not from the woman who'd killed him seemed to make him realize that his father had indeed been the monster everyone painted him as. "How could he have changed so much?"

I touched Nathaniel's arm, a gesture reserved for friends. "It's not your fault, Nathaniel."

"What if I'd never left? I didn't have much of a choice, but still... Maybe I could have saved Fiona and the rest of the Couslands. I wish I'd known some of this sooner. She told me things that you perhaps didn't know. I feel like such a fool." He sighed. "Let's get back to our business. I need to think."

I nodded and turned to Justice. "I found out Aura is staying at the Chantry here. Do you still wish to speak with her?"

"Yes," the spirit answered with no hesitation. "That is my wish."


We were making our way to the Chantry when Nathaniel asked the question that I was sure was on everyone's minds. "What happens when this body of yours... expires?"

"How long does such a process take?" Justice asked.

"I don't know. Can you still walk around once you're simply bones?"

"So I'm led to believe, yes."

"That is incredibly disturbing."

As we passed by the same statue that Nathaniel had commented about in an earlier visit, Justice stopped. "Curious." I turned to see him looking up at the statue. "This man I inhabit once worshipped this woman, her and the one they call the Maker." He looked at me. "Do you believe in this Maker as he did?"

"I am Dalish, Justice. None of us believe in the Maker. We worship our own gods."

"In the Fade, some spirits believe a creator gave us life and separated us from this world. But do they believe only because they see the Maker in the dreams of mortals? So much of the Fade is created by spirits desperate to emulate your kind."

"We don't know everything either. Although the Chantry likes to think they do." I heard Anders snort from trying not to laugh.

"Here you can be certain that what is has always been. Is that not comforting?"

I thought a moment. "I guess it would be, in comparison to your world."

"Faith requires structure and belief. In the Fade, we have neither. I see why the demons are so eager to pass through the Veil. It is something to consider."


We stepped inside the Chantry and I looked around for Aura. A Revered Mother was preaching about how the Blight and the recent Darkspawn attacks were the result of humanity's sins. A bored-looking Templar didn't even give us a second glance. We found Aura praying in a side room.

I nodded at Justice and he approached her. 

"Aura," he said softly.

She turned towards him. Her eyes widened.

"Please, do not be alarmed. I do not wish to frighten you." Then she realized who this was once she saw me standing nearby.

"You. You are the...," Aura couldn't bring herself to say it. "In my husband's body."

"I am a Spirit of Justice. I meant your husband no harm. I would ease your distress, had I the power."

"I... knew when he left that this could happen. He told me. His father died a Grey Warden, too."

"Tell me, is there anything I can do for you? Tell me and I will do it."

"Avenge him, spirit," she simply said. "I will wait for his ashes a little longer if it means that whoever did this to him will pay." She walked up to Justice and placed a hand on his cheek, her eyes filling up with tears.

"The Darkspawn. Yes, I understand."

Aura nodded before turning away and wiping away her tears. She walked from the room and Justice turned to me.

"Did I... do the right thing? You don't think I tormented her even more?"

"I think you did the right thing. As for tormenting her, I can't say."

"She loved this man a great deal and he loved her. I... envy what they had. I must think on this more. But another time. Thank you for bringing me here."

The Dalish Commander (The Daughters of Thedas Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now