Chapter 1 - The Surprise.

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Chapter 1

Chloe POW:

It was midsummer and it was at least forty degrees outside. I was really bored and spend most of my time at home sleeping and eating. Occasionally I went out with some friends but they only went to clubs and that's not really my thing. You would think that a girl like me would get wasted , partied with collage boys and took shots of peoples bodies. But as they say looks can be misleading.

"Chloe can you come downstairs?" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Umm, mom am I in trouble? I swear I didn't do anything!" I yelled back.  I knew something was wrong by the tone of her voice.

"No honey, we need to tell you something. It's important."

Sigh. I hope I don't get the boy talk again. My parents assume that just because boys call me all the time and harass me that I am the biggest slut in the school. Everyone assumes that... Honestly, Im sick and tired of being judged . I mean my parents dont even know how tough my life in school is, no one does. It's not easy being popular.

Well I decided it was best to go downstairs and see what the yelling was all about before my parents come up here and give me a lecture about not listening like last time . So I walked down the cream colored marble spiral stairs down to the open space living room leading to the marble kitchen. I saw my mom and dad sitting by the dining table holding hands looking at me nervously. Oh god, this can't be good. I went to the fridge and grabbed some Rolo ice cream , I figured that if it is bad news I might as well be prepared with ice cream. I mean ice cream heals everything. My parents waited till I opened the ice cream and had my bite, they knew my ritual. 

"Ok guys, tell me already." I pleaded.

They looked at each other nervously and began talking.

"Ok honey, the thing is.. um.. remember how I said I needed to go take care of some business and went to Malibu for 2 weeks?" my dad said.

"Um. yees." I said nervously.

"Well, me and your mother have been thinking about buying a house somewhere outside of the big apple if you know what I mean. The city is just so busy, New York is chaotic and I have been thinking that living by the ocean wouldn't be so bad now would it ?" he asked hesitantly looking for my reaction.

I thought about it for a while and then I jumped up in excitement and screamed "OMG THAT WOULD BE AMAAAZINNGGGGG!!!!". My parents were absolutely shocked by my reaction, they never knew how I disliked being popular, they thought I loved it and so did everyone else.

I ran upstairs because it was time to celebrate by  having a Harry Potter Marathon. I know it's weird that the most popular girl in the school is obsessed with Harry Potter but no one knew the true me, sadly not even my parents. Inside, I was a hard core nerd however on the exterior I was a girl with long black hair with sparkly blue eyes that changed according to the season and my mood. I had a thin built body with some curves . I honestly don't even know how my life completely changed . I never really desired to be popular, it just somehow happened you know...

I remember the day like it was yesterday.

*Flash Back *

It was a beautiful sunny day, with birds chirping happily and dancing in the bird bath in front of our mansion. It was my last day at this magnificent place.

My parents decided to move to New York and I would  have to start my life over again. We moved to a condo near Times Square. The city was so boring and uninteresting compared to where we used to live before where we had beautiful scenery over looking mountains and lakes. I never wanted to leave Colorado.I had a good life, I had true friends, I had a place which I could truly call a home. But as they say "All good things come to an end". My parents managed their own corporation . Everytime I began to enjoy a place we would move , time after time. But New York was an exception . This was by far my least favorite place. My parents signed me up to a snobby private school. At first I thought that it would be boring. But everyone was so friendly and I knew the reason why. It was because I was pretty and the boys liked me so the girls wanted to use me to get closer to the boys. So on my first day, I became a superstar, everyone idolized me. But I was always different from the other popular girls,  I wasn't one of the popular girls that picked on others and acted like a total biatch.

No quite the contrary, I was also one of the nicest people in the school. Since I ruled the school I made sure that no popular kids picked on people in the other cliques and everyone did as they were told. Any person I meet jumps to conclusions and judges me. I can't trust anyone. It's either that they are trying to get in my pants or use my for some purpose. 

Every night I think about how my life turned out. All the girls wish to be me but I would much rather be a normal girl. A girl who can trust her friends, a girl who can do anything without worrying about rumors , a girl who has freedom, most importantly a girl who has a life. I hate pretending to be something I am not . I hate pretending to have a boyfriend so guys leave me alone , I hate having to pretend I honestly like being popular,

It is time for me to start a new life once again in Malibu. So many opportunities for me to change my life. I can finally be me, I can finally have friends who truly care for me. However, I will have to change my appearance in order to make true friends. I've been given another shot to be happy and I'm not letting my looks ruin my happiness.

I can be anything I want.

Emo? No.

Punk? No.

Popular? HELL NO.

Tomboy? No.

Nerd? YES.

If I'm going to be a nerd that means a change in my entire wardrobe. I'm willing to make that change. 

New Life. New Look. Real Me.


Uploaded: August 5th, 2011

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