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Six Months Later...

"Come on, Rose, harder." Wren prompts me.

I groan in frustration. "This is as hard as I can go!" I shout at him. I stomp my foot.

Wren walks over. "Listen you just have to believe in yourself. That's all there is to it. There's nothing to worry about. You can do it."

I roll my eyes and look away.

There's something sparkling in the distance.

"What's that?" I frown at the object.

Wren looks over at it with me. "I don't know... but it's giving off strong magic radiation..." He frowns. "Come on. I'll text Eria to meet us."

I roll my eyes. "You don't have to text her every ten minutes."

Wren shrugs his shoulders. "I like to keep in touch with her in case something bad happens."

"Whatever. I'm going ahead." Without waiting for a reply, I start running full speed towards the light.

We've been training here for over six months and nothing has bothered us yet.

It had to be something else.

"Rose be careful!" I hear Wren's voice warning me.

I roll my eyes but slow down a little so he can catch up.

"She's on her way." He mumbles.

We keep running until we reach it. Wren and I quickly use our powers to turn ourselves invisible. The light is almost blinding, I have to squint to see it.

"What do you think it is?" Wren whispers.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't even know. You're supposed to be the expert on magic."

Wren just shrugs. "I don't know. But whatever it is, it should stop soon."

As if on cue, there's a loud piercing noise coming from the light. It shines brighter-if even possible-for another second and then disappears all together.

There's a body in place of the light.

I look over at Wren before we rush over towards it.

It looks like a boy. He lays there looking broken.

Wren kneels down and checks the boy's pulse.

"He's still alive." He whispers. "But not for much longer..."

He turns the body over and I gasp.

Garner lays there in front of me. Blood stains his face as well has his clothes.

His eyes are closed.

"Rose, you have to heal him." Wren's voice breaks me out of my shock.

I quickly drop to my knees. "Where is he hurt?" I ask, jumping into action.

"It's hard to tell. Just put your hands on his heart and go from there. That's the weakest point right now." Wren looks at me. "Good luck."
I nod my head and place my hands on Garner's chest.

Closing my eyes, I start to heal him. On remembering how he was before all of this, healthy, happy... and not dying.

The same heat moves from my fingertips and spreads out along his body.

"That's good, Rose, keep it up." Wren says.

"Shut up." I mumble. "I know what I'm doing."

Wren laughs.

I don't stop until Garner jerks away gasping for air.

His eyes are wide as he looks at me.
"Rose... Rose they need you." He says.

Garner than collapses to the ground, unconscious.

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