Chapter Seven -- Day 7

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Rose's P.O.V 

My skin was still burning when I woke up, but it wasn't as bad now as it was before.

"What's going on?" I mumble while looking around the room.

There are people in white walking around beds, checking up on people.

I begin to sit up when I feel hands on my shoulders.

"Stay down, you need to rest." A female voice reaches my ears.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

Her hair is pulled away from her face, a blue flower is on her white dress.

"You're in the hospital wing." She says, "Do you remember the battle?"

I frown a little. "I remember fire people... and this red... thing." I frown and look across the room.

All these people in here were hurt because of those things. I didn't stop them in time.

The nurse nods her head. "You were found away from the battle. In the forest actually... some people believe they were dragging you off to their leader." She laughs a little while dabbing my forehead with a wet cloth.

I shake my head. "That's not what happened."

She didn't say anything. Instead she picked up a glass of water and put the straw to my lips.

"Drink dear, you need your energy."

I frown, but drink it anyway. I reach up and take the glass from her, quickly finishing the whole cup.

She smiles a little and takes it from me.

"How many are injured? Is Garner okay?" I ask.

"The Savior is healing in his room. The Princess thought it would be more comfortable for him."

"But is he hurt?" I repeat myself.

She shakes her head. "Not as bad as a few of the people here. He has some shallow burns. Nothing he won't heal up from easily." She smiles. "You on the other hand should get some more rest. You'll thank me later."

She fluffs the pillows behind me and pulls the blankets up higher.

"I'll change the bandages when you're asleep."

I frown at her. "Wait... what's going to happen now...?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "There hasn't been anything announced yet. I suppose we will find out soon though." She gives me a small smile. "Now rest, child."

I bite my lip and lay back. I wasn't going to get anymore answers out of her, I could already tell.

I looked around the room and watched for awhile as the nurses walked around treating the other patients.

My gut twisted around, making me sick. This was because I didn't stop the fire creatures in time. If I did, maybe none of these people would've gotten hurt.

I don't even want to think about how many people died because of this.


I turn my head and sit up again.

"Bryn! You're okay!"

There are a few cuts and bruises on his face, but he looks okay other than that.

He smiles a little. "Yeah, I am. How are you feeling?" he asks.

I sit down. "I feel just fine." I answer. "No one will tell me what's going on."

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