Chapter Twenty-Eight -- Day 28

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        "Yes you can, Eria. You just have to believe you can."

I shake my head. "No, Wren. I really can't."

He gives me a small smile. "Look at your hands." He whispers.

I look down and the fire is gone from them.

I look back up at him. "How...? I couldn't get it to go away before..."

He smiles. "Magic." He says. "You can control it. You just have to know how." He pulls his hand away and the fire returns.

I look up at him. "They're going to kill me because of this." I whisper.

Wren gets a sad look in his eyes as he sighs. "I know." He whispers. "It's all my fault."

I frown at him. "How so...?"

He looks up at me and gives me a sad smile. "I wanted you to use magic in the first place... when I found out you were just like me, well I wanted you to be the same... so we could relate more..." he looks down. "Quince and all the others never understood." He looks back up at me and smiles a little. "All I wanted was for someone to go through what I did."

"Wren..." I whisper softly and cup his cheek.

He puts his hand on top of mine and leans into my touch.

"I'm sorry, Eria. This is all because of me..." He pulls away slowly.

I shake my head and reach over to hug him tightly. "It's okay." I whisper.

Wren wraps his arms around me, hugging me back slowly.

"Eria... I won't let them hurt you." He mumbles in my ear.

I shake my head again. "Wren, you can't stop them."

"Maybe not, but I can try... for you I'd do anything."

I feel my heart melt inside my chest. "Wren..." I whisper softly to him.

He smiles a little and kisses me gently on the lips. "Come on, we have more important things to do than talk about our love for each other."

I frown as he pulls away and gets up.

"What? What else is there is to do?"

Wren gives me a hard look, "We have to save Rose and clear your name."


Rose's P.O.V

Pain. All I can feel rushing through my body is pain upon pain.

Like my insides are being ripped from my body, all my bones breaking at once. I'm sure there's nothing worse than this.

I can't even find my voice to scream out.

I wish for death to come, but it doesn't. And why would it? My body was still intact, nothing looked to be happening to it on the outside. But in my head it was worst than you could ever imagine.

"Rose!" I hear a voice.

I'm not sure who's voice is it, all I know is that it's not hers.

There's hands on my face, they burn my skin and I try to flinch away.

"We have to get that green stuff off of her. She's still connected to Myra." Another voice says.

"Rose, you're going to be okay. I promise. Wren, help me get her to safety."

"One second." There's incoherent words and I feel coldness wash over my body.

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