Chapter Twenty-Four -- Day 24

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        We don't stop riding for a long while. Even then, Quince and I aren't told where we're being taken, let alone where we are.

None of the surroundings look familiar to me. I look over at Quince who isn't saying anything.

"You two will stay quiet. The Queen will address you when she wants you to speak." The first guard holding me said.

I nodded my head. I hear the clicking of handcuffs and my hands are released from their tight prison.

I start to rub my wrists and bite my lip.

Quince is let go just as me, but I notice that the guards stay closer to us then they were before.

"Queen Clarissa of Electrode." One of the guards said.
All the others saluted towards the door as it swings open.
I share one more look with Quince before turning to greet the Queen.

Her hair is almost too bright for words. A gold crown adorns her head along with golden clothes.

I frown a little as her bright green eyes meet my own.

"Who are you two? Speak." Her voice is commanding and cold.

I almost shiver at the sound of her voice. Instead, I answer her question.

"I am Princess Eria of Emberly."

"I am Prince Quince of Cheshire." Quince says. His voice is quiet.

Her eyes narrow in on me. "Everyone in Emberly perished eight years ago."

I shake my head. "That's not what happened." I told her.

She doesn't say anything, instead she resumes her cold glance at me.

"Emberly has fallen. There is no Emberly." She turns to Quince. "What are you doing here on my land?" she asks.

Quince shrugs his shoulders. "Just following the Princess." He replies.

Queen Clarissa frowns. "I assume you're not really royalty then?" she says.

Quince shrugs. "You can believe whatever you want, your majesty. I can already tell you're not going to believe anything I tell you."

I glare at Quince. The last thing we needed was to get in trouble.

He didn't look my way though.

I turned back to look at the Queen nervously.

She started to laugh. "You can let this one go. He seems harmless. As for the girl keep her on tight security." She turns to face me. "I don't trust anyone who claims to come from that godforsaken waste land."

"Emberly is not a waste land!" I argue.

The Queen just stares at me like I'm from another planet.

"Take her away. Keep her in the dungeon if she's going to keep going on like that." The Queen turns to Quince. "Join me for dinner. It's not a request. Robert and Jiminy will take you to one of the guest rooms."

Quince nods his head and smiles at her. "Alright miss." He looks at me and mouths the words 'I'm sorry' as he's led out of the room.

"That's not even fair!" I argue. "I like supper! I could eat."

The queen turns her cold, green eyes to me again. "Take her away."

I feel the guard's hands on my arms as they pull me out of the room.

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