Chapter Twenty-One -- Day 21

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Wren just shrugs his shoulder. "You just said magic was impossible." He gestured to my hands. "I just showed you it was."

I shake my head. "But I'm not special... there's just no way any of this is..." I shake my head again.

Wren just laughs a little. "It's okay. I'll teach you how to control them." He smiles at me. "You'll be able to use them just fine in a few months time."

I stare at him. "A few months?" I shake my head. "I'm not staying here for a few months. As soon as I can go home that's where I'm going."

My thoughts drifted to Myra and her standing offer on her sending Garner and I home.

If there was some way to get back to the palace... it'd be that simple, wouldn't it.

"Rose... stop thinking about that." Wren says. He takes my hand.

I shake my head. "How can you know what I'm thinking about?" I ask him.

He just shrugs. "Trust me. I know." He gives me a half smile.

The edges of my vision started to become blurry.

I frowned. "What's going on?" I asked.

Wren's expression turned to one of fear. "You're waking up." He replied. "Just keep calm, everything is going to be okay."
He pulls a bracelet off of his wrist and takes my hand.

"This should hide your powers." He tells me.

My vision darkens even more.

"But... I can't... I don't..."

Wren gives me another smile. "Don't worry. Tell Eria I said hey." He laughs a little bit.

"Wren, no..." I mumble.

My vision completely fades to black and I find myself waking up back in the old woman's basement.

Only there's no trace of the old woman anywhere.

Quince's face was right in front of mine.

"Eria, she's awake!" Quince shouted.

"Great, get her up here!" Eria said. She sounded like she was fighting?

I shook my head a little and tried to move my fingers, but none of my body parts were responding.

"Don't worry, Rose, I'm going to get you out of here." Quince is touching my arms. I can feel his hands, but not his touch.

I hear myself mumbling some sort of words, but I can't make out what I'm saying. "Don't say anything." Quince says. He lifts me up into his arms. "You're safe now."

"Eria, I've got her." He calls again and starts heading upstairs.

I see Eria standing over a body. She looks over her shoulder at me and gives me a small smile.

"You okay, Rose?" she asks.

"She's a little out of it." Quince replies for me. "Come on, to the horses." He nods his head towards the door.
Eria nods her head and walks over towards us. I hear her mumble the words: "Don't let her see" as we walk out of the house.

"Just sleep, Rose." Quince mumbles softly in my ear. "Everything's okay."

I feel his lips on my hair as I fall asleep slowly.


"What's going on?" I ask as soon as I wake up.

I look around and frown a little.

Quince and Eria both look over towards me, but Eria is the first to walk over.

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