Chapter Eleven -- Day 11

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 "Yes I understand." I mumble.

Castor nods his head. "Good. You are dismissed. And I expect you to be there tonight at the ball with a smile."

I get up from the chair and turn to leave the room. "You know mom would've actually listened to me." I tell him.

I don't wait for him to answer. Instead I just walk out of the room and shut the door behind me.

I don't even give him a chance to follow me because I start running down the hallways.

Heck, I don't even think Castor would even follow me after that.

I go to my room and shut the door.

Letting out a sigh I rest my forehead against the cold wood.

I don't care what anyone else says, there was something different about the last time I saw her. Just that glint in her eye and the way she smiled.

She definitely wasn't the same Myra she was before. Something had to have happened for her to change. The only question was, what was it?


I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I smoothed out the fabric of the dress I was wearing. It was cream colored velvet, something my mom would've worn on an event like tonight. The deep purple belt went around my waist and was pinned into place, the rest of it went down to the floor with the rest of the gown.

"You look really beautiful."

I turn around and Wren is standing by the window, like he always seems to be lately.

"I didn't know you were coming tonight." I tell him.

He jumps down from the window and walks over to me. "I didn't want to risk anything." He says.

He cups my face and I lean into his touch.

"Your mother is here." I tell him. "Don't you want to see her?"

He shakes his head. "Trust me, she's the least of my worries right now. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He presses his lips to my forehead. "Promise me you'll stay safe tonight."

I frown. "Why? What's going to happen?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "I can't tell you, I'm sorry. Just stay safe."

"Can't I go with you?" I ask again.

Wren shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Eria, I'm so sorry... but I just wanted to see you one last time..." his voice gets soft.

I frown. "What do you mean one last time? What's going to happen? Wren you have to at least tell me something." I plead with him.

I take his hands and intertwine our fingers together.

"I can't, Eria." He says. "Please trust me on this. I'm trying to do everything I can to keep you safe."

"By avoiding me? When are you going to come home?"

He looks down. "I don't think I can ever come home after this. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing..." I reach up and cup his cheek in my hand. "Wren you can tell me."

He takes my hands in his and pulls them away from his face. "Go to the ball tonight. Dance with Aiden's son. Have a wonderful time tonight without me." He presses his lips to my fingers.

I frown. "Aiden's son is going to be there?"

Wren nods his head. "It's all part of their plan... to get the two greatest leaders together..." he says.

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