Chapter Twenty-Seven -- Day 27

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        "Quince, there's no way that's possible. Camelot supposedly existed centuries ago. It's remains were never found."

"Maybe because it went into the future. Come on, think about it! We've accomplished time travel, look at Rose and Garner. Who's to say that Camelot didn't do the same thing and now they're all living here?"

I frown at him. "Well first of all because the Queen's name is Clarissa. Not Arthur." I roll my eyes. "And I just don't think that's what they are. It's just some Queen wannabe. Nothing at all we need to worry about."

"You still don't even know the half of it." Quince replies.

I roll my eyes. "Then enlighten me. What else did you see?"

"Magic." He replies.

"You see magic everyday almost." I scowl.

Quince laughs. "Trust me, this magic is completely different. There's something evil about it... but also good... it's hard to explain."

I frown. "Magic can't be both."

"But this was." He argues. "This magic is..." he mumbles this part, mostly to himself I assume.

I roll my eyes. If Quince wanted to live in his fantasies, I wasn't going to stop him. Right now all I was concerned about was getting back to the palace.

"You're not listening to a word I'm saying right now, are you, Eria?" Quince's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

I look over at him and shake my head. "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

He groans and rolls his eyes. "God, Eria. Do you know what this means? We can rewrite the history of magic! Rewrite history all together! Camelot wasn't actually a story! It's real!" he laughs.

I roll my eyes. "Then where is King Arthur and Queen Genevieve?"

He frowns. "Probably one of their offspring." He says. "You really think your great grandfather is still going to be on the throne after how many years?" he asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "Alright. You have a point there. But how would they even get into the future to begin with. And what about that witch? Surely Merlin and Morgana would've had to come to the future with the Kingdom."

Quince shakes his head and his eyebrows pinch together. "I didn't hear any mention of them. They had to have changed their names and identities to stay hidden or something. Do you know anyone with magic that seems to be from another time?" he asks.


Quince groans a little in annoyance. "I'm pretty sure they have to be around here somewhere. After all, you wouldn't want to leave the Kingdom unsupervised."

"Quince, I'm not going to play along with your fantasy. Like I said, Queen Clarissa is just someone pretending to be Queen. We were frozen for eight years. Something like this was bound to happen. I'm just upset that I didn't realize it sooner."

"Eria..." Quince starts to talk, but I cut him off.

"No, Quince. This is just pure fantasy. Camelot doesn't exist. Stop trying to make it real." I snap at him.

Quince sighs. "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

I can hear the disappointment and defeat in his voice. But honestly I was sitting in a dungeon almost all day. I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk about stuff that only belonged in fairy tales.

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