Chapter Twenty-Two -- Day 22

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        "Shouldn't we check to see that they've got her okay?" Quince asks after a short while.

I look over my shoulder at him and shake my head. "She'll be fine. They're probably already halfway to the palace by now. Rose is just fine."

Quince nods his head and keeps his eyes on the road. "I feel bad for doing this to her." He mumbles.

"Then you can go back with her. I'm not giving up this mission. Not before it's finished." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes. "Why are we even doing this? I don't see any rhyme or reason to this."

"It's to find out who's doing this." I say. "Just like everyone else."

"Eria, I think you're in way over your head..." Quince says.
I don't say anything. What am I supposed to say to something like that?

Exactly... instead I just stayed quiet. After all, there were lots more things to worry about.


Rose's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of people talking.

Except when I open my eyes the voices all stop.

"What's going on?" I mumble.

"Rose, you're in the medical wing." I hear Bryn's voice and look over towards him and frown.

"Where's Eria and Quince?"

His eyes flash to the two other guards standing there and they immediately walk out of the room.

"Where did they go to? Did you see?" Bryn asks.

I shake my head. "Eria casted some sort of spell on me, I don't know." I shake my head. "I fell asleep."

Bryn lets out a long sigh and turns away. "We have no other leads then." He turns to Samuel who is just standing there.

"Keep having the guards go the way they're going... they couldn't have gotten that far."

Samuel nods his head. "Bryn, calm down." He says.

Bryn just shakes his head. "If you won't order them then I will." He says.

Samuel doesn't say anything. Instead he looks at me. "You really should get some rest. You can tell us everything that happened after that."

I shake my head and sit up a little bit in the bed. "I've slept enough." I tell him. "I don't want to sleep for the next century or longer."

Samuel laughs a little. "You're still under the sleeping curse. You'll be sleeping on and off a little bit."

I roll my eyes. "Great, the last thing I need to be right now is to be sleeping beauty for the next few hours."

Samuel laughs a little. "It's okay, Rose."

"Maybe for you." I say. "You at least know what's going on."

He shrugs his shoulders. "Your blood results came back from the doctor." He said. "They say you're from this century..."
I go silent and feel my face go blank with no emotion. My thoughts go back to what Wren said about me being Samuel's daughter.

The idea at the time seemed almost impossible.
Although right now, it could very well be the truth.

I started studying Samuel's facial structure.

He and I could pass as father and daughter... in a certain light I guess. I could see that his nose looked like mine a little. Or did my nose look like his?

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