author note ***important/sneak peak***

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Authors note~IMPORTANT***

I haven't update in like a year, and I know you guys really like this book so I'm not gonna stop . I promise to update soon. I know people hate authors notes and I do too.

I have been having trouble with things...but you guys really inspire me to keep going , saying that "this book is amazing". Makes me happy , thanks for that 😁

I want to thank you all for the people who comment wanting me to continue. Even though I suck at grammar and spelling , I'm going to try my best. Thank you for still reading. I cant believe I have over 25k reads its crazy . I want to thank you all, I'm gonna work hard and get my ideas out their for the next chapter, and I hope you guys will like it.

*Here is a sneck peak*

Darth Vader P.O.V

The rebel revolt in the prisons have started to grow with the insolence of the outer rim and their delusional ideas of defeating the empire. As I walk into a cell with a women blue hair and toned skin with another male with blue eyes. "You two started the revolt in a prison sector, what fake ideology to have faith in escaping when out number".

(Ezra's mom) - I stare at the man with a cold mask covering his eyes. I see him pull out a red light saber. As the door closes and I clutch my husband's arm. "We will not fear you, the empire will be stopped. I have faith in my son to do so". My breathing becomes slower as I think of Ezra in my mind. I give a smile, he will defeat you.

Vader- I stare at them seeing their hope. I slach them down, with my saber. As I walk out of the prison cell, my work done. I call to the troopers to dispose of the body's. "Hope is nothing but a lie, and a boy so young could never handle to see the death of his parents without seeking revenge". I give the troppers order to broad cast this, also giving the names of the two. I killed, wanting the Bridger boy to see.

To be continue....

(Dark xD )

Btw-hope you like the video, made it, and if you want you can subscribe me on YouTube.

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