Chapter 14

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He runs out of the room before kanan and the other notice and takes the phantom and fly's off to where she is being held. He gets the phantom on automatic transportation and thinks "kanan ill be alright don't worry".

///A little while later///


Kanan walks to ezra and zebs room thinking "man maybe I was rough on ezra, I should've told him". He opens the door and his eyes get wider as he says "ezra" in a worried tone, he looks around the room and then sees a note that was left behind he reads it to himself and it says "hey kanan, I'm sorry but I am going to get her out of this mess it was my fault to begin with so its only's right. And don't worry ill be sure to be quick and get out as fast as possible I hack into there system I found out where she is being held. ~Ezra" he then runs out the room clinching the note in his hand.

Walks into the pilot room and sees a light flashing off and looks to see that it is showing that the phantom has been token. She then thinks "Is this thing", she heads over to the back side of the shop and sees that the phantom is gone. Hera then hears kanan voice saying "Ezra gone".

Kanan And the crew:
Kanan runs over to see hera near the control room and she quickly says to him "he left", he looks at her with a worried face as she says "do you know where the prison is?" He then hears sabine voice saying "I could hack in and find out" as she comes around the coroner looking at both of them. Zeb then walks out from the other side and says "karebast when ever that kids goes into something nothing good comes out of it". Kanan then says to sabine "hack in and get the info", he looks at zeb and hera and says" get ready", they give him a node as he heads to go over to sabine which seems that she already has hack into the system.  Kanan. Looks at her and says "you've gotten better". Sabine looks at him and then quickly says "no...I don't think I've gotten better its more like there letting us know the information.....its definitely a trap", she looks at the information and then tells kanan where the prison is. Kanan quickly gives hera the coordinates and then they fly off all meeting in the control room as the ghost goes into hyperspace.  Zeb then says to the crew "I can't believe that kid fell for such an easy trap...I mean couldn't he tell when he was hacking in that it was to easy". Kanan then says as he holds the note in his hand "he felt that it was his fault",  he looks down and thinks "ezra please be ok"

Ezra heads his ship into an asteroid so it distracts the tie fighter and then slowly approaches the ship. As he thinks "man this is harder than I though", he then gets the ship into the docking bay and quickly heads out knowing he dose not have mush time he grabs his light-saber and sneaks out of the ship, he then sees two stormtroopers see the phantom and search In side of the ship and hears them report to there head command. Ezra then thinks "close call I better hurry before they bring more troopers here".

Hears two stormtroopers report about a unknown ship, he then closes his eyes and feels a disturb-ens in the force as he quickly says bring hafe of the trooper to the prison cell and the rest to the unknown ship area, as he heads for the prison area he thinks "fallen for such a pity trap", he gives an evil smirk as he walks off.

Thinks "man, I wonder If there going to kill when there going to kill me." Her eyes get dizzy as she looks around the cell to only see black and red lines as she feels the cuffs on her wrist strangle her arm. She thinks "what do they want with me...they couldn't possibly figure out where I came from could, no it must be a different reason...maybe....bait". She looks up and starts thinking over the past and has flash backs and then remember the kid she meet his name it was ezra she then says " are using me as bait!!!". She says in a angry tone.


To be continued....

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