Chapter 20: Ending

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The morning had come quicker than I thought. I didn't mind though. I needed to go see how she was. Even if the doctors said she was alright.

I still felt terrible for what had happened in these past few weeks. The constant arguing between us two. And the flashbacks of Charlottes death. But even when those appear, I can't help feel an even closer bond to Lolita.

As I walked through the doors to the hospital, my thoughts suddenly vanished. All I could think of now was her beautiful face.

My fascination for the girl seems to grow every day. And I don't mind it. And if she knew, she wouldn't mind. Beings she likes attention. Not that she thrives for it, but her acts of silliness.

"I'm here to see my daughter, Lolita Hayes?" I asked the woman from behind the desk.

She looked up at me from her papers she had scattered about in front of her. Her dark green eyes held a tired look to them as the looked into my Hazel ones.

"I'm sorry sir, I believe she left earlier."

My face paled and my voice shook as I spoke to her once more.

"Wh-a-at?" I put my hand on her desk.

Before she had time to speak I was already headed to the room she once was in.

But it was empty. Her little shoes were even gone.

I started to throw things across the room, yelling various profanities as my body shook in anger and hurt.

She was gone.

I knew this would happen. I should have listened to that gut feeling I had the night before.

With the car following us in the past few days I knew I shouldn't have left her last night.

And now she's gone.

"Sir! Please calm down!" A young male looking doctor said as he took the things from my hands that I was about to smash.

"No, you calm the fxck down! Where's my daughter!? Who took her? What did he look like!?" I threatened as I grabbed him by the collar.

"A tall looking man, such as yourself. Said he was her uncle and she agreed. So we allowed him to take her. I'm sorry sir. I can't help you any further than that."

I let go of the man and pushed him out of my way as I exited the hospital slowly , with all eyes of each of the staff members on me. I didn't care though. I was far more concerned about her and if I would ever see her again.

I couldn't believe I let this happen.

My love, my life. My sin. My Lolita.


I thought of many places she could possibly be. Or many places he could possibly be.

I had been looking for nearly ages before I had finally found her along the side of the road.

I stopped and hopped out of the car. Forgetting to turn it off.

"Lo." I called out as she sat silent, looking into the distance.



Her bright eyes met mine as she kept an expressionless face.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat beside her.

"I don't really know why I did it. I knew he was lying from the beginning, but part of me had the little hope that maybe he was right. I'm stupid for even believing him. I mean, I'm seventeen. I'm old enough to know right from wrong, right?" She laughed lightly as tears came from her eyes.

I looked at her sadly before bringing her into a hug, to which she gladly excepted.

"Let's go." I whispered.

"I don't think I can do this anymore."

I pulled away, dumbstruck and looked at her confused.

"What do you mean this?"

"I can't constantly be moving around from place to place anymore. We're always on the run. I'm nearly eighteen and I'm getting ready to start my life. I can't do it."

"Then what do you want, Lolita?"

She wiped at her eyes and looked at me.

"I just want to know how you really feel about me, Paul. You realize we haven't even really gotten to know each other? Do you?"

"I know more about you than you think."

"But I know nothing of you!" She retaliated.

I sighed and looked at her.

"How do you feel about me? Honestly." She asked seriously.

"Honestly, ever since I laid eyes on you when I first moved beside you I couldn't get you out of my head. You're such a beautiful girl with such a creative mind. You're also wild and so daring and I think it's your confidence that attracts me to you most. And I haven't really gotten the chance to tell you in the last few weeks, but I love you. I really ,truly do. And I don't want us to be like this anymore either ,Lolita. I don't want all the running and the constant feeling of losing you to happen to fall on me. I want to know you're mine. And that you'll always be by my side. I want to wake up to you every morning. I want to be the one you come to for everything. I don't want be just your daddy, I want to be with you Lolita Hayes. I want you. And I always have."

She looked at me shocked for a moment before hugging me.

"Then prove to me we won't be doing anymore of the running. Please."

"Promise me?"

"I promise." I said.

The end.

A/N: I may be writing a sequel to show what happens between Lolita and Paul in the future and what happened to the man who took her. Thank you all much for your lovely comments and votes. Please, vote for all other chapters if you haven't done so. Thank you all so much. I love you all! <3 :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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