Chapter 5: Dance Lessons

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My hands grabbed for the door knob as it rang. Lolita appeared before me, chewing gum (as she was told not to) and letting herself in.

"Ah, I assume you're here for your lesson?"

"Yeah." She blew a bubble and walked around and laid on the couch.

I scratched the back of my neck, growing a little hot under the collar as she looked at me.

"Can we doing something else before the lesson today?"

"Uhm, sure. Did you have anything in mind?" I asked sitting next to her.

"No, not really. How about we go to the park or something?"

I shook my head.

"Too far. We'd never be able to get the lesson in."

"But Jack will be there."


"Yeah. He's a friend of mine. We go to the same school. Both of us are in 11th grade."

I didn't like that. She was friends with a boy. And that boy wasn't me.

"I'm sorry, but we can't go."

She rolled her eyes and slouched back on the couch.

"Do you have any records I could listen to?"

"Uh yeah, in that back room there."

She nodded and stood up while chewing her gum.

"I can't reach them." She said jumping to the top shelf.

"Oh! Terribly sorry." I walked into the room and reached up to the shelf to get them.

I handed them to her but I held onto her hands a bit too long, because she looked at me confused for a minute.

"Thank you." She said.

I nodded and let go of her hands as she sat on the floor looking through the records.

I sat in front her and watched as she examined the records.

She suddenly looked at me and smiled. Which made me smile back.

"Do you know how to dance?" She suddenly asked as she turned the record player on.

"Uhm, no. Not really."

"Then come on, I'll teach you."

I stood up and she grabbed my hands as the music played.

I was much taller than her it was cute to see her try to lead.

"You just kind of go with the flow of the music, okay?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

We danced together and she even laughed at me a few times, and I swear to you, her laugh was the best thing I had ever heard.

A slow song came on and I suddenly felt bold and I grabbed her waist and she grew quiet and leaned her head on my chest after a few minutes.

My fingers rubbed circles on her waist and for a few minutes after the song had ended I just stood there In a dream still holding her.

I let go and she looked at me and swallowed hard.

"What should we do now?"


"Thank you again for giving her lessons today. Tomorrow she and a friend will be at the park so she won't be here for lessons." Charlotte smiled.

My body suddenly ached at her words. With a friend at the park?

Was that friend the Jack she was talking about? Maybe I should go tomorrow.

No one would know but me, right?

A/N: Vote and comment for an update! Also check out my new fanfiction The Watcher. <3

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