Chapter 17: On the run

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I felt we needed to get away from the town we were in. Away from the school, away from the people, away from everything. So here we were again, her and I.

"Lo, please turn that down." I pleaded as she popped her gum loudly.

"But I like this song."

Before I could speak again, I noticed an expensive looking black car. I looked at it confused for a moment.

It was quite early for others cars to be around. I ignored it, nonetheless.

I made a soft turn around the corner, Making Lolita slam against me.


"Hold on Lo." I said as I saw the car still behind us.

This car seemed to be following us. It could be a policeman or anyone.

I did another illegal turn but the car still followed so it must not be a policeman. Otherwise he would have stopped me.

Finally I sped up and made a sharp turn.

That finally lost the other car.

I sighed as Lolita panted.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so."
She nodded.

"Well, we should get going then."

She nodded as I continued down the road, to where ever we were going.


I stopped at a gas station because I needed gas.

I stood in line at the counter, tiredly gazing around. I was pretty exhausted. I couldn't really think straight.

My eyes wondered to the car where Lolita stood outside the door, talking to a man, whose face was hidden.

I wanted to hurry up and rush out but I had to pay for the gas.

I rushed to the front of the line, as I kept my eyes on them. I threw the money on the counter and ran to the door.

"Sir your change!" The young woman behind it called to me.

"Keep it!"

I ran outside just as the man walked away to his car and sped off without even looking back.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Just some guy."

"What'd he want?"


She looked annoyed and I knew I shouldn't push her after what happened last time.

So instead, I got inside the car and drove forward.

The ride was silent, a very uncomfortable silence too. The tension between us was so thick you could cut it.

I looked at Lolita, who was looking out the window.



"Who was that man?"

She kept silent for a minute and turned up the radio.

"I don't know."

Yes she did.

"Lolita, please." I begged.

She ignored me and I was angered when her gum popped.

"Goddammit! Just answer me!" I pulled over.

She jumped and looked at me as I grabbed her jaw.

"All I want to know is who he was and what he wants. Why won't you tell me?"

"Don't touch me." She seethed as she tore away from me.

I pulled her back and before I could comprehend, I slapped her cheek.

Not very hard but I still smacked her and I had no intentions to do so.

I instantly regretted it after.

"Lo, I didn't mean-

Before I could speak she ran out of the car.

I got out of the car and ran after her.

We were now in a field where I could hear her crying.

I pulled her into me and she yelled and cried and hit me in the chest, but I ignored it as I pulled her to me closer.

She started to calm down and hugged me as she cried.

"I just want my mom."

I'm sorry.

All I wanted to say. But I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. Couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't practically breathe.

I remained silent as I watched the sky darken.

"Perhaps we should get to a hotel for the day." I suggested.

She only walked back to the car silently.

She ignored me the whole ride there and even when we were there. She sat on the bed at the hotel and read her book.

I felt bad and I couldn't take it that she wasn't talking or looking at me.

"I'm going out for some things. Would you like anything? Any food or anything?"

"Bananas." She looked at me.

"Just bananas then?"

"Just bananas." She mocked my accent, making me smile.

"Alright." I smiled.

A/N: Smut warning for next chapter! Vote and comment for another update! :).

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