Chapter 7: Letter?

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Paul's POV

As I sat by my window watching her dance around, while sipping my tea, a letter came through the mail slot of the door.

"Hm?" I walked over to it confused before picking it up and sitting my tea down.

The letter had no names or address on it. It just said 'Paul McCartney'.

Which is me.

I opened the letter closely and unfolded it carefully as if it were going to be something dreadfully awful.

Dear Paul,

I don't know how long I've had to keep this in. How long I haven't been able to sleep because of this. How many times I've often stopped to think about it. I'm in love with you. I think it's only best if Lolita doesn't go to piano lesson anymore, because then I'll have to come get her with you around. So it's either you come and be with me and father my daughter or please forget Thïś letter and Lolita and I.

Sincerely yours,

I was confused at first but then I laughed, harder than I think I ever have.

But I knew there was only one way to do this.

"Honey, could you get me my apron?"

And that was to marry and move on Charlotte.

The wedding had only been a week ago, and I at least got to see Lolita. But I couldn't get any time away from Charlotte.

She was always asking me for help and always sitting on my lap or kissing me and I wasn't attracted to her, I hated when she did it.

The only reason I did this was to see Lolita. I didn't want it to be so that I couldn't see her or talk to her at all just because her mother was a lonely and clingy woman to have as a wife.

"Yes dear."

A/N: Vote and comment for an update! (: Short chapter but it's updated so! And 315 words! (:

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