Chapter 13: The question

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The only sound I could hear from my room in the hotel we were staying in was Lolita's crying. I felt terrible but I couldn't have just lied to her.

She hadn't said anything when I first told her.

In fact she thought I was kidding.

She's been crying for hours and I wanted so badly to tell her everything would be okay again, but I honestly didn't know.

A child's mother means everything to them.

I was close to my mother as well when I had her. Then she died when I was around Lolita's age.

I took it the same way she's taking it.

I heard my door open and I looked up to see her with puffy bright eyes and her hair a mess.

"Can I sleep with you?" She sniffled.

I only nodded and lifted the covers for her.

I wrapped my arm around her as she cried softly.

I just pray this goes behind us soon.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I shut the light off.

I'm not sure if it were more to her or Charlotte.

Either way, I was terribly sorry for everything.

I just hope and pray she finds it in her heart to forgive me.

Both of them.

- - -

                   *Few weeks later*


I looked up from my book to see Lolita standing in front of me.

"Yes, dear?"

She crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame.

"When can I start school? I miss having friends and stuff."


I had never actually thought about school. It had just been her and I for the past weeks staying in different hotels every night.

And even then I didn't think of school. But what my Lolita wants, she gets.

Not to mention she probably wanted a little space from our more intimate moments together...

Maybe now would be the time to get a place and let her go to school. An all girls school that is!

"Well, pack your things. Let's go find a house."

"Really?" She asked happily.

"Precisely." I smiled.

"Ah! Thank you!" She jumped on my lap and hugged me.

I patted her back and kissed her cheek.

"You're very welcome. Now go pack your things!"

She nodded and raced away from me and into the other room.

I tried to finish reading my book but I was just as excited as she was.

Finding a house would be good for the both of us. We'd have much more room for our things and wouldn't necessarily have to leave them in suitcases.

I stood to my feet and walked to my room and began putting the things I had out (which was just a pair of pajamas and my razors for shaving) and began putting them away.

"Hey, can we get some fruit?"

I turned around to face her.

"If you would like yes."

A/N: Vote and comment for an upstate and very glad Lolita had forgiven Paulie. Yeahhh!!! :)

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