Chapter 4: Gum

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"Very delicious lunch you've prepared, Charlotte." I commented as we finished eating.

She blushed and fluttered her eyes.

"Well, thank you."

"Why don't we sit outside? It's nice and cool out there." I suggested.

Lolita chewed bubble gum and looked at me with an expressionless face. The *pop* noise of her gum made my mind go blank.

"That's a good idea!"

"Just you and I can sit down on the porch swing." Charlotte said.

"But I'd hate leave Lo here by herself. It's so much cooler outside, come join us?"

She shrugged.

"Sure." she gave me a teasing grin before racing outside to the swing.

I chuckled as I sat down beside her. She kept a space between Charlotte and I, which I did not mind at all.

As we swung back and forth slowly on the swing, I watched as Lolita picked up a music box.

The little song was playing softly as the glass ballerina danced in a twirl.

"Do you like Ballet?" I asked.

Her blue eyes met mine.

"Of course! They're so beautiful and I want to be one but someone won't let me go to dance school." She huffed looking at Charlotte.

She acted so childish for a seventeen year old, I loved it.

"So you can dance then, can you?"

"Yes! You should watch me dance."

She jumped up from the swing and back into the house (because the door was left so carelessly open).

"Sorry, she's too hyper active sometimes." Charlotte chuckled beside me.

"Oh, it's alright." I said trying to see through the door.

Charlotte came closer to me but I ignored her because the music started to play from a record player and kept moving the swing back to the door.

Lolita was shaking around the living room. It was quite a beautiful and cute sight.

It wasn't a dance of elegance though, just her shaking her bottom and having the brightest smile while doing it.

It made me smile as well.


"What key is this?"

"I don't know." She shrugged blowing a bubble with her gum.

"Lo," I said sternly.

"What? I really don't know."

I sighed and stood up from the bench.

"Where are you going?" She called to me.

I came closer to her and she looked at me with her big eyes with an innocent look.

I held my hand under her chin.

"Gum." I said.

She huffed and shook her head.


"Lolita." I warned.




She smiled and laid on the bench while still chewing and blowing bubbles with her gum.


I sighed and stood a over her, waiting for another bubble to pop from her mouth.

As soon as it did it tore the gum from her mouth.

"No g-

"Knock knock."

I heard Charlotte from behind me.

I had no place to put the gum but in my own mouth. So I did so and gave a smile as Charlotte walked in.

"I did knock but you must not have heard me. I just came to say I'll be at a meeting at my church could you please watch her for awhile tomorrow? Catch up on lessons?"

I had never been more thrilled to hear such things. I looked at her dumb founded.


She smiled and looked at Lolita who was still laying on the bench.

"What are you doing laying down?"

I looked her with wide eyes that were pleading her not to tell Charlotte about the gum incident.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Taking a break, right Mr. McCartney?"

I gulped at the mention of her calling me that. It sounded amazing coming from her.


"Oh." Charlotte smiled.

After she left with Lolita I sat down on the couch and chewed my gum.

Gum, wait....

A/N: Vote and comment and aren't you guys lucky for another update! ;)

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