Chapter 14: Diary

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I was sad when I had dropped her off at the school gates of a very expensive (all girls) private school.

But it's what she wanted and I couldn't dare tell her no.

My eyes watched for a few minutes as she walked up the steps of the school. I let out a sigh when she had gone inside and decided to go back.

I had arrived back at the house and slumped into a chair. What was I to do while she was gone?

I rubbed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose before something bright caught my eye.

Sitting on a couch cushion was a bright purple diary with Lolita's written across the front.

I stood to my feet and padded over to it slowly. My eyes observed its every little detail.

The lightly scribbled doodles on the cover. The little curve of her L's. Everything.

I opened it up and read a few pages with little Entry's.

Dear diary,
This is really stupid but I'm so bored and am having trouble sleeping so whatever. Just thought I'd make a little note to myself to stop trying to sleep over Mom's crying. She still cries for dad after all these years.

My heart broke a bit as I read that.

Dear Diary,

Again, still think this is quite stupid but I'm very bored and have really no idea what to do. It's raining outside and mother says I'll get sick if I go outside. I wish she'd stop treating me like a child. I'm seventeen, not 7.

I read on and found an interesting entry on a page.

Dear diary,

We have a new neighbor and I think he's watching me. He's sitting by the window and every time I look out he smiles at me. I don't mind though but I do find it strange he's watching a little too much.

She knew about me the whole time? I feel like such a fool now.

I read through another page that listed her favorite foods and drinks and songs and things like that.

Favorite foods
Mac N' Cheese
Chocolate cake
Peanut butter

Favorite drinks

Favorite animal

Favorite singer
Buddy Holly

Favorite Thing to do
Listen to music
Go to the park
Go out with friends

I smiled and chuckled a bit.

I decided to make one of her favorite dishes for dinner. Considering I had nothing else to do until she was back.

My boredom would not consume me in the time being!

- - -

"How was school?" I asked as she shut the car door smiling.

"Good! I like it here."

"Really? That's nice. What classes do you have?"

"Too many to name right now."
She laughed.

I smiled.

"Shall we get home then?"

She nodded.

When we arrived at the house ,she entered and looked at me.

"Is that...Mac N' cheese?" She asked.

"Yes. Would you care for some?"

"I would love some." She nodded.

As she ate, I watched her intently. I was so glad she was home.

She looked up at me and smiled.

I smiled back and she finished and walked over to me with fluttering eyes. I looked at her as she leaned on the door way.

She tilted her head and looked at me sleepily.

"Come here."
I said quietly.

She obeyed and sat down on my lap.

She leaned back and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I'm so tired." She said sleepily.

I stroked her hair before taking her hands in mine.

"Then let's go to bed."

A/N: Apologies for the long wait! I've been debating on whether or not to make a trailer for this?¿ Tell me what you guys think! And vote/ Comment for more! :)

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