Chapter 3: Jobs, boys and mistakes

Start from the beginning

"Sure, and if I last the rest of the day you have to give me the job," announces Stormy.

"Fine but if you don't, you have to go on a date with me."

"Alright, it's a bet. I'm Stormy by the way and you are?" Inquires Stormy.

"Connor and I am actually the manager here. You didn't have to tell me your name; I can read it off your resume," replies Connor.

"Well Connor, what does that have to do with my job trial?"

"If I don't like how you act; I don't have to hire you," replies Connor.

"That's not fair, and if I don't get the job I'm not going on a date with you. I find you obnoxious."

"Well I find you hot but hey it's not up to me if we go on a date. Let's just see how you feel about me after spending half the day with me," flirts Connor.

"Dude everyone finds me hot, so where can I put my bag?"

"You can put it in the store room which is right behind the counter to the right as you go back to where the CD's are kept," as he points to where she has to go.

"Thanks I will be right back," says Stormy as she goes to the storeroom. Stormy quickly drops down her bag in the storeroom and goes back to Connor.

"What do you want me to do first boss?" Asks Stormy.

"Oh, I'm thinking of something in my head but first you can pack those cd's over there away with all the other copies," replies Connor as he points to the cd's piled on the floor.

"Are you one of them guys that picture what they want from a girl? But sure I can pack away cd's for you," replies Stormy as she walks towards the cd's.

"Stormy, let's not getting into a conversation like that right now. You have half an hour to complete the task I have delegated you," says Connor.

"Connor right? I would love to get into that conversation with you right now," winks at him, "But I have to complete the task you gave me and by the way I will have it completed in 20 minutes," as she starts to look for where they go.

Stormy arranges the cd's in alphabet order by the artist; there was only 10 CD's. The first artist she has to find where it goes is Adele and she found the spot for it in the top of the charts section. The next artist is Cody Simpson and Stormy found that his CD is in the best selling section right next to Justin Bieber, Stormy has a Justin Bieber CD so she quickly does Cody and Justin's CD's at the same time. Three CD's down only seven more to go, the next artist is David Guetta and his CD is going into the pop section.

The next cd is all French Style music that Stormy placed with all the other cultural CD's.  The fifth CD is a Lily Allen and the CD has to be placed in the pop section alongside David Guetta's CD.  Stormy looks at the next cd which is a Metallica CD and straightaway goes to put it in the heavy metal section. The last CD that Stormy has to put away is a CD from One Direction and the CD has to be placed in the new artists section.

To pack away all the CD's it takes Stormy roughly twenty-five minutes, as soon as she is finished she walks back over to Connor and teases, "Piece of cake, what now boss?"

"You seriously finished that in under half an hour?" Asks Connor as he looks her up and down.

"Yes I'm really finished. What do you want me to do now?"

"You can clean the counter I guess," replies Connor.

"Clean? Are you serious?" Mutters Stormy.

"Yes, clean it. With the cloth under the counter. You know how to clean right? Since you are a girl," replies Connor as he walks away to serve a customer. 

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