"I love you, darling," Oliver whispered again, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek as we hit the bottom step.

"I love you too," I answered, suddenly hearing the squeals of Mrs. Weasley greeting her children a couple feet away. She currently had Ginny and Ron wrapped in a tight embrace, with Bill, Fleur, Charlie, and Percy all standing behind her and Mr. Weasley.

"Maggie!" Fleur yelled, rushing towards me with Bill following behind her chuckling. I ran towards her as well and we enveloped each other in a huge hug, Bill and Oliver laughed at us as they shook hands.

"How are you? Goodness, I've missed you!" I squealed, smiling at her and backing up.

"I've missed you too! My, you look stunning!" She answered, smiling back at me.

"Hey, Mags, nice to see you too," Bill chuckled sarcastically, which caused me to turn to him and give him a huge hug, overhearing Oliver greet Fleur behind me.

"Maggie!" Mrs. Weasley called, enveloping me in a tight hug with I gratefully returned, the smile on my face growing more and more. Mr. Weasley came up and hugged me as well, his arm lingering around my shoulders like a proud father.

"My babies are all grown!" Mrs. Weasley chanted, grabbing the twins and I and pulling us all in for a rib-crushing hug. "Oh, oh, we have to take pictures!" She yelled, instructing the twins and I to get in a line and smile to take a picture. The next one was one of me and Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley, and I though it was the last one, just to be proven wrong.

"Oliver and Maggie, get together!" Mrs. Weasley cheered, giving me a gentle shove towards Oliver.

"Sweetheart, take off your cloak, it makes for a better picture," I instructed, shimmying out of my own and throwing it at Bill. Once Oliver had thrown his cloak over to Bill as well, I wrapped my arm around Oliver's waist and rested my other hand on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me as well and pulled me close, planting a tender kiss on my temple as Molly took the picture.


The graduation ceremony was quite similar to the ones in the muggle word, the headmaster stood at the podium and called out each student's name and they would be awarded a medal if they played quidditch, were a prefect, or was a Head Boy or Girl. The end of term banquet was the night before and many students had already left on the Hogwarts Express, the only ones remaining were those graduating or that were watching their friends or siblings graduate. The whole Weasley clan was there, along with Oliver's parents, Hermione, and Amelia to watch the group of us graduate.

I was supposed to give my speech after the Headmaster's introduction, right before he would call up each individual student. I was waiting behind the doors of the Great Hall that were behind the stage, and I would walk onto the stage when it was my turn to give the speech. Professor Dumbledore was already out there greeting the families, who were sitting in rows of chairs that were behind the rows of chairs were the students were sitting. I could feel myself growing more and more nervous, my palms shaking, and my feet unable to stop tapping. With no warning, the door swung open and I nervously walked out onto the stage to thee podium, where Professor Dumbledore was standing. He smiled at me and wrapped a crimson stole around my shoulders, the reward for having the highest average. I smiled and thanked him before I turned to the crowd and cleared my throat.

"Wow," I mumbled, earning a lot of laughter from the crowd. "My name is Margaret Smallwood, and I think that I can speak for all the parents here when I say how incredibly proud I am of everyone who is graduating today. We students all know, there was many an over nighter pulled in the library, endless study sessions in the common room, and there was always the assignment you forgot to do until the last minute and spent the next hour or so rushing about like a mad person to finish it."

Selfish Bloke (An Oliver Wood Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora