Chapter 2: New Opportunities

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"Do they do take away orders?" asks Tera.

"Yeah I think so," replies Toby.

"Sweet, I will order some pizzas before I finish my trial," replies Tera.

"Toby, do you and Seth want to come back to ours for pizza tonight?" asks Stormy.

"We would love to but we have to work tonight, can I take a raincheck?" asks Toby.

"Sure you can babe."

Toby smiles at her and grabs Seth by the shirt. "See you later boys," says Stormy.

Toby waves and Seth says to Tera, "Bye hot stuff."

"Bye Seth," replies Tera, as her and Stormy start to make their way back to their apartment, along the way Bailey joins them.

"So how was your afternoon?" asks Bailey.

"It was amazing and yours?" replies Stormy.

"Well it was good, I laid on the beach, tanning and what did you do Tera?" asks Bailey.

"I got myself a job trial for this afternoon," replies Tera.

"Really, where at?" asks Bailey.

"At a law firm to be a personal assistant," replies Tera.

"Congratulations Tera, you will nail it. So what's for dinner?" asks Bailey.

"Pizza. Tera is going to pick it up after her trial," replies Stormy.

"Yummy, I dibs the shower first," says Bailey.

"Bailey, you don't need to dibs the shower anymore, all our rooms have an ensuite," replies Tera.

"That's right I forgot," responds Bailey.

The three girls laugh together, as they walk into the building with their arms around each other's waists and dripping water all over the lobby floor. Standing there by the elevator were the boys, Tera asks, "Hold the elevator please?"

Toby and Seth turn around and Seth replies, "Oh, I will."

"Thank you Seth," replies Tera as she grabs the apartment keys from the doorman.

The girls get into the elevator alongside the boys. Stormy has Toby pushed up against one corner kissing him. Bailey looks blank faced at the pair. On the other side of the elevator, Seth tries to make a move on Tera. Bailey just keeps her eyes on the elevator doors as it ascends up the building.

The elevator stops at the third level and Tera says to Seth, "How about you go to your apartment and learn some new pickup lines and try them on me when you see me next. If you're lucky, you could get another kiss or even a date."

Seth winks at Tera and asks as he gets out of the elevator, "How about a kiss for the road?"

Tera blow him a kiss, "There's your kiss."

With that the elevator doors slam shut, Bailey asks Tera, "Someone is playing hard to get?"

"Well I learnt from the best," replies Tera as she points towards her sister and Toby.

It didn't take the elevator long to get to the fourth level, as the doors open up Stormy pushes Toby out as they finishing kissing. Tera quickly presses the button to make the elevator doors close. Tera and Bailey start to laugh at each other while Stormy just stands there holding her fingers over her mouth.

"So you like him Storm?" asks Tera.

"No, why would you say that?" blushes Stormy. The elevator stops at the girls' level and they make their way out.

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