2. Pranks and Scares

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-Listen to the music (Credit to All Time Low)

       Hoshimiya screamed at the part where the creature crawled through the tv screen. I looked to the side and noticed Shurato missing. "Suzukawa-san?" Hoshimiya said looking at me like she saw a ghost. Well.....she kinda did see a demon like thing on the tv screen. "Hmm?" I said without drawing my eyes from the tv screen. "Hiro's gone" She said with a sense of terror in her aura. Suddenly I heard a loud screem that sounded like Hiro's voice. I instantly ran to the kitchen (Pulling Hoshimiya with me) to investigate. In the kitchen I saw the demon. Pale skin and black dreaded hair staring dead in my eyes. With Hiro's body laying there in the kitchen. Wide eyes, open mouthed. Hoshimiya screamed louder than she ever did when the creature grabbed at her ankle. Then Hiro sat up laughing hysterically while the creature moved some of the hair from it's face revealing Shurato. "Did you think that was funny?" I yelled. Hoshimiya didn't move. She just stood there with her eyes wide open. Then she joined in on the laughing. "Can you teach me how to prank like that?" She asked with her eyes sparkling. "Sometimes pranks can be funny, but sometimes they can go too far" I said saying the 'too far' part louder looking at Hiro and Shurato. "I even caught it on tape?" King said holding his camera. "We just pulled a wicked prank on the lovebirds" Hiro said laughing. "We should get revenge" Hoshimiya whispered in my ear. I nodded slightly smiling at her.

       "So...how sha'll we get revenge?" I asked leaning back in my chair. Me and Hoshimiya left Hiro's house and we're currently at Hoshimiya's. Right now I'm sitting on a chair in Hoshimiya's kitchen. "I came up with an idea right after their prank!!" She said raising her index finger. "Well....I'm waiting" I said crossing my arms. "I call it...." Hoshimiya said hesitating on the last part to stand up. "PRANKATSU" She said with a wink. "Alright. From now on....you'll be gaining Hiro, Shurato and King's trust to the point tha niether of us will be suspected of the prank we pull off" I said winking back. "When will we do the prank?" She asked sitting back down. "How about....February 13th on friday night? Untill then we'll develope a closer friendship with the rest of my band." I answered. "We? Haven't you already developed a friendship with the rest of the guys?" Hoshimiya asked. "Actually, tonight was our very first movie night. Not that we're not already friends, I just don't want them to suspect us to prank them" I said sitting up. "Operation: Prankatsu?" Hoshimiya asked winking. "Deal" I said shaking her hand.

(Hoshimiya Ichigo's point of view)

       I can't wait to do the prank with Suzukawa-san. "Oh, one more thing." Suzukawa san said. I looked up. "At school, you call me Suzukawa-Sensei, but outside of school since we're friends, so adress me more like a friend than a teacher." He said with a wink. "Go ahead an call me Ichigo-chan." I said with a wink.

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