"I was just looking for Jade," I lied, making sure to keep a straight face as I did so. I didn't need Harry sizing up anyone tonight. He shot me a skeptical look before nodding slightly.

   "We need to find her. Andrei's here with his gang," he told me, the sound of that bastard's name causing my skin to crawl. "Hey, it'll be okay," he told me softly, his hand running up the skin of my right arm as he gazed at me with a reassuring look.

   "I just can't believe this is happening," I breathed, my eyes now darting around, as if I was scared Andrei was gonna pop up somewhere close to us.

   "Well it is, and I'm sorry I lied to you about him not being real, it was-"

   "Vlad's orders, I know," I told him with a shake of my head. "Okay so let's go find Jade first before locating Andrei and spying on him," I suggested, all seriousness setting in as we focused on the missions now.

   "Let's," Harry nodded sharply, jutting his elbow out for my to hold. I linked my arm around his elbow, staying close to him as we weaved through the crowd.

  We moved cautiously, keeping an eye out for Andrei, all while looking Jade. I knew she had excused herself to go to the bathroom; apparently it was something typical of her to do during a mission. My eyes wandered around for her, looking around for that stranger too at a point because his face refused to erase itself from my memory. Who was that man? He was staring at me as if he knew who I was. Was that even possible?

  We were crossing the dance floor just before they started to play some music, calling out for all couples to come and dance. I immediately tugged on Harry's arm to keep moving, indicating that I didn't want to dance and make a fool of myself. My hand slid down his arm to tug on his hand, my face shooting a pleading look at him while he smirked. A short gasp flew out of my lips when his hand tightened around mine and pulled all of a sudden, the abrupt action causing me to bump into him.

  He smirked at me, looking devilishly handsome as he did so, his arm going around my waist while the other one laced its fingers with mine, holding our joined pair of hands up. My hand moved to land on his shoulder, giving him a death glare as he simply snickered. And then we moved in sync with the music.

   "Why are we dancing? We're supposed to be looking for Andrei and Jade," I questioned in a sour tone, as we moved gracefully.

   "Relax, baby. Andrei will be making the exchange at midnight. We can spare a few minutes for dancing," he told me with a slight smirk as I grumbled something incoherent under my breath.

   "I haven't danced like this in ages," I muttered, referring to ballroom dancing rather than just regular dancing.

   "When was the last time you danced like this?"

   "At senior prom, with Zayn," I told him lowly, watching his features harden. "It was ages ago, and it's not the same thing as this. This is more...formal, I suppose," I said quickly.

   "I really wish I killed that prick," Harry snarled, his dark brows pulling tightly over his bright eyes. He gets angered so easily.

   "Harry, calm, forget I said anything about him," I hushed him, pressing my lips to his in a quick kiss, without thinking. Right after the action, I was struck by worry as to if Harry was going to get mad again for kissing in public, but then again it wasn't like he knew anyone here. "Sorry," I muttered an apology, averting my gaze.

   "What are you apologizing for?" he asked in slight confusion. I lifted my head up, studying his expression. He didn't look angry.

   "For kissing you in public?" My words came out in more of a question.

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