"Close your eyes girls and follow me."

Tera hops off the bar stool, and follows her mum, while Stormy just sits there. Their mother grabs Tera's hand and leads her outside to the driveway. The first thing Tera notices when outside are the two cars, one was a silver convertible mustang and the other was a black Chevy Camaro.

"Mum, what are they doing there?"

"Well sweetheart, the convertible is for you and the Chevy is for your sister."

"Thank you mum and dad!" as Tera throws her arms around her parents.

"Darling your always welcome, just promise me you will drive safely in it." Tera nods eagerly.

"Stormy, get your butt out here now!"

"Why it's not like there is anything I want out there."

"Storms, come see for yourself."

"Fine Tera, just to shut you up."

Stormy walks outside and as she reaches the door, she is shocked to see two cars parked in the driveway.

"Mum, what are they?"

"Stormy, darling, they are your cars. Happy Birthday, my babies. The keys are in the ignition, the pair of you better get to school."

Tera hugs her mum, jumps in her new car. "Thanks again mum, see you tonight at the party. Love you." For a change Stormy actually hugs her mum.

"Thanks mum."

"Bye girls, love you both. Don't be late, party starts at 6," yells their mother.

"We won't be mum," respond the twins at the same time as they fly out the driveway.

All Tera could think about all day was how good this birthday is going to be and that she was going to have the best birthday party ever. But, on the other hand, all Stormy could think about was how happy she was to have her dream car and about how drunk she was going to get at her party. The day flew by so quickly for the girls at school.

By the time they got home it was 4pm, "Stormy! I call dibs on the first shower," shouts Tera. She wanted to get ready first because it takes her longer than her sister.

"Whatever, just don't take too long Tera," Stormy calls back.

"Ok I will only be around half an hour. Is Luke coming tonight or are you over him already?" asks Tera.

"Tera! You better not take that long! Luke isn't coming, we aren't a thing anymore; Jake's coming though," responds Stormy as she searches her messy wardrobe for her short black lace dress. Tera on the other hand is wearing a red cage dress.

"Stormy? Who's Jake?" yells Tera as she hops into the shower. Jake is Stormy's new boy toy of the week. Each week she has a new guy leeching of her side and making kissy faces with her. Tera is always so disgusted when she finds them sprawled out in their shared bedroom. Stormy replies, "You will meet him tonight and I will explain then."

While Tera is in the shower, Stormy decides to jump on Facebook. Like usually there was nothing new on Facebook besides everyone saying how excited they were to party with Tera and her tonight. Stormy updates her Facebook status to: Ready to party the night away with my sister. "Tera you nearly finished?" yells Stormy at her sister.

"Nearly just got to wash the conditioner out of my hair," yells back Tera.

"Hurry the hell up." Stormy is not really a patient person when it comes to waiting for her sister to finish doing things. "You finished yet Tera?" yells Stormy.

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