Chapter 21: Bonfire Night

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Tom hasn't spent time with Katie and Quinn or any of his other friends for the last couple of days and he was missing them terribly but he couldn't look them all in the eye and lie to their faces it just seemed so wrong. Even if he's been doing it since primary school it all came back when Katie was suspecting him.
As Tom walked in the canteen everyone was calm there was no fights anymore or no incidents or food fights, Mr Graham had forced to put it to a stop a week ago. Tom caught his eye on Katie and Quinn sitting on the long table along with Max, Janice, Gabby, Jake, Amy and Tabitha. They were all laughing at Quinn and Max's jokes, Katie with her little hyperactive laugh that got everyone smiling and Gabby nearly choking on one of her bits of pasta because she was laughing so much.
Tom sat over at the back table over hearing the conversation a bit.
"Quinn do the donkey noise again." Katie giggled.
Quinn held out his hand and then next minute came out a realistic loopy donkey noise. Everyone burst into fits of laughter.
Tom sighed looking down at his French book and snapping it shut.
Clara strolled in happily looking for a place to sit as everywhere had been taken except from one next to her brother.
She walked towards him.
"My god, I swear you've been sitting by yourself like a loner everyday for the past week." Clara scoffed sitting down next to him getting her maths book out.
"I just don't want to be around anyone." Tom muttered.
"Is this about Katie?" Clara asked.
Tom shook his head, "I can't keep lying to her, she's getting closer to the truth, it doesn't help with Quinn sticking his nose in."
"Hey, I thought you two are meant to be best friends!" Clara said nudging his arm.
"We are, but the only problem with Quinn is that he sticks his nose in all the time where it's not wanted."
"You know isolating yourself away from your friends isn't going to make it any better." Clara told him.
"What am I supposed to do?!" Tom yelled angrily.
"Talk to them." Clara said firmly.
Tom stared down at the table.
"It's bonfire night tonight and your coming with me for the firework display." Clara demanded.
Tom let out a massive sigh, "fine."

"Did you and Tom break up?" Jan whispered to Katie during English class.
"No, we just had a disagreement." Katie told her half smiling.
"Don't worry, he'll come round, and then in a week you two will be snuggled up on the couch watching soppy movies." Janice chuckled.
Katie giggled, "I'm not sure Tom will be up for that but if it really helps then fine"
"Plus, it's bonfire night tonight you can talk to him then and then you can kiss under the fireworks." Janice said.
"Shut up!" Katie laughed jokingly.
Katie looked down at her pen, Janice did have a point though, he'll come round soon enough, and bonfire night will be a perfect time.

Quinn came home that day after school and texted Janice to make sure she was definitely coming to the firework display. Then for a moment Quinn thought that he should ring Tom as he's been distant for the past week and wanted to make sure that he was alright.
After a few rings Tom picked up.
"Hi Tom, look are you coming the firework display tonight?" Quinn asked playing with the white laces on his hoody.
"Clara's forced me to go so unfortunately I'm going." Tom sighed.
Quinn paused for a moment before continuing. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what?"
"How come you haven't been hanging around with us lately? Is it something to do with Janice and Katie?"
"No. I mean...kind of mate, it's just it's weird how Katie and Janice are suddenly best mates, Katie won't tell me anything then accused me of hiding secrets." Tom explained.
"Well you are really secretive mate, I mean no offence or anything." Quinn told him.
"Look I'm sorry, I really have to go Clara's shouting for me." Tom said.
Quinn sighed, "alright, I suppose I'll see you tonight then."
At that moment when Tom hung up Quinn's mum came in smiling.
"Hi mum, how was your first day at work?" Quinn asked standing up.
She nodded, "it went amazing, please thank Tom for doing this for me, his family are so nice, especially his father."
Quinn looked at her awkwardly, "yeah, I suppose he is."
"Are you going the firework display tonight?" She asked dropping her car keys on the coffee table.
"Yeah, I better go and get ready." Quinn said.
"Ok sweetheart." She beamed a smile as Quinn ran upstairs to get ready.

The park was crowded full of people with music blasting out of speakers and different stalls selling varieties of food.
Katie came in frantically trying to search for Tom.
"Katie where you going?" Kelly asked grabbing her arm.
"I'm going to find Tom." Katie told her trying to shake her sisters grip of her.
"Oh my god Katie can't you get it in your head! He doesn't care about you! He lies to you all the time, just leave it!" Kelly yelled.
"Please Kelly let go of my arm I need to find him." Katie argued violently trying to rag Kelly off her arm.
"Katie, mum and dad told me to not let you out of my sight." Kelly screamed above all the music and conversations from other groups of people.
"I'm not 5 year olds Kelly, just leave me alone! I'm 16 for gods sake now let go of my arm!" Katie screamed back.
Kelly finally loosened her grip and stared at Katie.
"Fine then, but don't come crying to me when everything goes wrong." Kelly snapped walking away deep into the crowd.
Katie shook her head and kept searching for Tom.
"Come on, where are you." She muttered to herself pushing past people.
She quickly walked on nail she banged into someone accidentally.
"Oh my days I'm so sorry." She panicked as she looked up at the persons face before realising who it was.
"Katie?" Tom said looking into her dark eyes.
She kept staring at him until she spoke.
"I to find you." She said awkwardly.
"Likewise." Tom said to her before they became extremely awkward.
Katie sighed, "look Tom I really need to talk to you."
They came a bit away from the crowd until they got to a part of park that was a bit more quieter but still lots of people chattering away there.
"I'm really sorry for what I said after the school trip, I just don't get why you keep hiding stuff from me all the time." Katie told him.
Tom looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry, I know I don't treat you with the respect that you deserve, it's just that I can't tell you what happens in my life, I'm sorry."
Katie nodded, "it's alright, I understand, some secrets are best kept hidden."
"Guys! I never knew you two were coming!" Quinn broke in sarcastically with Benny by his side.
"Well we have. I didn't know Benny was coming." Katie said resting her eyes on Benny.
"I know, Quinn dragged me along." Benny said looking awkwardly at Tom.
"Uh, Benny look I'm sorry what happened at dinner I didn't mean to go off on one like that." Tom apologised.
"It's alright at least I got to meet Clara." Benny said cheerfully with a wide grin.
Quinn laughed, "by the way are you two alright?" He said to Tom and Katie.
Katie looked up at Tom.
"Yeah, we're fine now." Tom said putting his arm round Katie.
"Shoot, it's 6:30 the fireworks are about to start!" Quinn said sprinting towards the crowd along with Benny.
Katie and Tom glanced at each other laughing as the fireworks exploded in the air.

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