Lust V

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A/N: This is going to be a filler chapter that will give way to the next series 'Treacherous' (Hi friends, see what I did there?) In which will be a BDSM series, the part 2 of this series.

And for gods sake, please. I haven't EVEN started the BDSM series yet and someone would tell me about this and that, I've done my research and that's why I kept on emphasizing that I am planning to extend the fan fiction to 'develop' the characters, and the main reason as to why I started Lust with Sarah lusting on her teacher because of what I am planning for treacherous and this massive character development in this chapter and in the succeeding chapters of treacherous.

I'm sorry that I had to do a part 2 of lust in a different series the only reason as to why is because I am strict with the 1-6 parts of every series in this book and I think that 'Lust' isn't the appropriate title for the next one, you'll find out why in this chapter.

Anyway, a little disclaimer on the next series. It will be a 'soft' BDSM, In which Ms.Rabe/Lily Rabe will be more caring, thoughtful and etc... (It's shown here actually if you read this, chapter.)

and all forms of plays and punishment are consensual (It will probably be explained in the next chapter) From the previous chapters it was stated that the kinks, limits are all set and talked about in the contract. And Submissive's have a safe word for a reason.

This will not be anything close to 50 shades of grey. Doms and Subs respect one another, and that's what I am planning to write in this fan fiction.

I intentionally started this series at the middle where in Sarah's lusting for her teacher that's why the FF is named LUST, because with that, I can have the power to either end it in another way (The original plan) or push through the BDSM part (The second plan) that I might add and that was also suggested by my wonderful bestfriend because I've been dying to really write BDSM after reading that truly beautiful fan fiction with that topic and after researching about the lifestyle.

PS: I've came across the fanfiction weeks ago before LUST even started while I was writing REVENGE part 2, and during those times I already know what I'm going to do to LUST (The plan A), in which I told my friends about and they said it was cool, but when I came across this FF I decided to start the fan fiction at the middle part and not at the first part where Sarah was supposed to have her first day in class and she'll be attracted to Ms.Rabe, their new biology teacher and she'll act like chill, talk-back kid to get her attention in which one of my truly awesome friends suggested.

My friends knows how my mind work from one idea branching into different and tons and tons that's why I am finding a hard time to write the next chapters because I COULDN'T decide whether I'd do plan A, B, C, D or whatever, I LOVE starting my fan fictions in such way that I can manipulate the story with a snap as different ideas sparks in my mind.

I'm sorry for the lengthy author's note/rant, explanation or whatever you guys would want to call it. I just got to get it off my chest.

ANYWAY! Thank you for all of your lovely feedbacks from the last chapters!

Happy reading lovelies!

Shoutout to: writelikeswift, for helping me, always and being supportive and all, You're the best, sunshine! ILY Always. :)

And to maryeuniice and sunshinepaulson who I talk to about a lot my plans and who always had to deal with me whenever I am fangirling and whenever I ask if this will be okay or if it sounds good or whenever I have this little 'idea sparks' that I am afraid to write sometimes. :) Thank you for your support guys, always. Me wuvs the two of you.

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