I. Candy [part 1]

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"A bunch of short stories"

Story 1: Candy (Bananun AU)

Pairings: Bananun (Lana x Mary Eunice)

Chapters: 4-5

Dedication: @humanxcontact


It was wrong. Lana was her secretary, she was supposed to look at Mary Eunice as her boss, not her lover. Things go wrong sometimes and this was one of those times.

Blurted words and a low cut dress would surely ruin Mary Eunice's plan to stay professional



Mary Eunice McKee -The bad tempered moody vice president of Umbrella Corporation. Despite of her innocent beautiful appearance she's so strict, impatient, competitive, and demanding. Most of her secretaries cannot live up to her expectations thus, she fires them mercilessly. Despite of that Independent, strong Characteristic she shows at the office she also has an Achilles' heel and that's her Kinky-ness

Lana Winters - A frustrated reporter and writer. She's a very hard working intelligent woman but with her heartbroken she's unable to function well in the job causing her to be fired from the TV news network she was working at. In need of money she temporarily worked at a candy shop near Umbrella Corporation in order to pay for her rent and other debts.

Apollo McKee - Mary Eunice's 7 year old nephew, stubborn and playful; Always causing trouble around Mary Eunice's office, the reason why her secretaries cannot accomplish the task given by Mary Eunice.



Lana just broke up with her girlfriend, Wendy last week and what's worse is that it was affecting her job; she got a memo telling her that she needs to pack her things from the office and leave, for short. She's fired.

Lana was walking down the streets of New York City, her hands shoved inside her pocket walking down the sidewalk in a quick pace.

She needed a job; she needed money the network only gave her half of her salary and it won't last for long she had to pay her landlady in a week or else; she'd be kicked out of her apartment.

While walking a skyscraper across the street caught the brunette's attention as she read and mouthed the words "Umbrella Corporation"

She stopped as she heard yelling from the building's entrance.

She watched the poor woman getting fired by her boss. The woman begged for her to give her a second chance but the blonde which Lana assumed to be her boss throws what she assumed to be the woman's belonging on the ground. A little boy came near the hot-headed blonde and took her hand; the blonde raised her brow and put her shades on as she walked down the entrance stairs, and walked towards her white limo, getting in classily as the car's door closed the limo quickly drove off.

"That's intense" Lana said to herself; she crossed the street to help the woman out, she picked some things that were scattered out from the woman's bag.

Lana helped the woman out and offered her hand to pull her up.

"Thank you" the woman dressed in an office suit said; her voice was shaking as she wiped her tears down her face.

"What was that about?... I saw everything" Lana inquired raising her brow as her eyes trained on the woman.

"That's... Miss Mary Eunice McKee. The vice president ...of the company" she snivelled.

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