X. Cafe [Chapter 3]- First time

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Sarah's POV

It's already been about four and a half months since Lily agreed to be my assistant, she's always on time. She's very hard working, I love seeing her every day, and I'm starting to know her better. She loves the colours blue, red, white, and black. She loves horror and Shakespeare, she loves complex things, she loves going out, being one with nature. She's very interesting to talk to. Everything feels right whenever I'm around her. It may sound cheesy but the first thing that motivates me to get up from my bed is her, I wanted to see her first thing in the morning.

The last time that I may have felt this was back on 2006, when I met Cherry, but dear God. This feeling is overwhelming. Whenever I see her I feel like my day is already complete, she makes me smile, she makes me forget about things that bothers me and i... I just can't explain it... it's a very wonderful and mysterious feeling, but aside from that I can't help to look at her body everytime she pass by me. I may sound like a pervert but that's the truth. I wanted to kiss her to be honest, I want her. I want her to be mine.

Today's the day; the final day of being Ms. Alex Smith at a TV show called "Undercover" where basically I'm like a serial killer who kills serial killers. Quite interesting, I was actually excited about it, because I'll have more time to spend with Lily after shooting

I quickly jumped out of bed as soon as I heard someone knocking on my door. I literally sprinted towards the door and opened it

"Good Morning Ms.Paulson! You look so excited today, my blonde beautiful assistant greeted with a smile on her face, she was wearing a sleeveless white blouse that matches her black skinny jeans. Pony tailed hair, red lipstick, and glasses. Shit. Is she trying to kill me?

"Come in" I said trying to act as normal and calm.

She put her shoulder bag on the coffee table and went directly to my kitchen

"Ms.Paulson? do you want coffee or tea?" she yelled from the kitchen.

"Coffee please!" I responded. While secretly looking at her from the living room

She was starting to make my coffee; I could smell the fragrant aroma of fresh coffee brewing.

She caught me staring at her; I saw her smile as her cheeks turned pink. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Hey Lily come' ere!" I said casually gesturing her to come and sit with me on the couch, we always do this small talks it wasn't new for her, but fuck this. I'm done playing around.

"Yes, Ms.Paulson?" she sat on the couch facing me

"You know what. Just drop the Ms.Paulson and call me Sarah, no need for formality." I said smiling at her and secretly looking at her cupid bow lips. I want to crash my lips with those lips right now

"Alright then, what is it. Ms... I mean Sarah?" I laughed as she almost said Ms.Paulson again.

"I just want to know, have you ever fall in love?"

Her cheeks went bright red the moment I asked the question, she smiled at me and nod.

"What was that person like?" I asked.

"Well that person's funny, caring, lovely, that person's almost perfect, I love talking to that person you know. uhm.. yeah that person's just great." She said with a smile on her face.

"So who's that person?..." something is telling me that it might be me, but I don't want to assume that is so, she looks straight but... something also tells me that by the way she's looking at me sometimes. She's eye-fucking me. Especially when I'm changing my costumes during taping

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