America's Newest Romeo and Juliet

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"Welcome to the Morning Show. I am your host Madeline Banks. Its a beautiful Saturday morning and we have some really special guests from Chicago here. Its gonna be a day full of revelations. So let's get the show started with some early morning news."

Me and Alex were sitting on a couch not too far from the stage. The backstage hustle and bustle was going around in the studio with the assistant director shouting orders on his headset. The makeup artist was working on my face while the hair stylist was busy with Alex's hair and trying to flirt with him. Not that it was working. Because Alex's full attention was on me.

I have never given interviews or been on chat shows. This was new for me. And I was nervous. Yeah I know what you're going to say. I am semi famous because of my parentage but I have always avoided the spotlight and preferred the normal lifestyle. My mother and sister are the ones after whom the paparazzi runs. I was the one who ran away from the paparazzi.

But now here I was trying to change that. Given a choice I would rather face the firing squad but that would mean losing Alex. Facing the press was just a small sacrifice. I could do a lot more to keep Alex with me. This was my first serious relationship and I wanted it to work. Plus it was the first time we were making making a move before my mother. So it had to be an absolute success.

Where I was nervous and fidgety ( something which made the poor makeup artist's work extra difficult), Alex was calm. He had done countless press interviews and chat shows before. He was used to it. While the hair stylist worked on his hair, he kept talking to me and trying to calm me down.

"I am actually worried about Blaine. He is planning something for Ruby but I am not sure of his idea of romance. He has weird tastes."

"I think Ruby knows that. I am far more worried for her. She has to deal with my mother now too. My mother is a jealous ex. She is not going to let go of the fact that dad found someone who is far more superior to her. She was under the impression that my father is still pining after her. The news of his upcoming nuptials is sort of like a hit to her ego. Also my father is going to end his bachelor streak way before my mother. Something she was sure wouldn't happen in this lifetime."

"I am wondering what will happen at your dad's wedding. He is planning on sending her an invitation."

"He knows exactly what's going to happen and he wants it to happen. Otherwise he wouldn't send her an invitation. I am pretty sure he has a plan."

"Umm hey Miss Carter and Mr Seymour....ummm your about to go on air in the next five minutes. Would you please make your way to the left side stage." A nervous looking man asked us politely.

"Thanks buddy! We'll be there in a minute." Alex stood up and buttoned his suit's jacket and straightened his tie in front of the mirror while I kept staring at him. Then he turned towards me and took my hands in his own. "Babes don't worry about it. Its our first appearance on television as a couple but it's going to he fine. The people are going to love you. Just be yourself okay? And don't worry I got your back. You ready?"

"Sort of. Lets do this. Just don't let me mess up too much."


"To say they are the most controversial couple would be an understatement. But they are also one of the hottest couples around in America. They have pretty much rocked the Society's scene since they hit the news after escaping a wedding. Here are Chicago's Romeo and Juliet Lavinia Carter and Alexander Seymour."

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