The Big Reveal

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"So Adrian here had been investigating Ronald and Peggy as per Livvy's request. And I had also told my spies to keep their eyes and ears open. Looks like my spies managed to get hold of some lovely footage. Behold the brilliance that is my spies work."

He switched on the TV and connected a USB to it. The video was pretty grainy and dark in the beginning. I could make out the lines of a car being followed. When they got close to it the number plate was recognizable. It was my mother's car. The time stamp showed it was 2:00 AM on a Saturday morning. My mother usually sleeps in the morning. Something about looking fresh for her engagements. So why was she awake till so late and going somewhere? Isn't it too early for her society engagements?

The car kept travelling for five more minutes before stopping in front of an abandoned warehouse. Looking at the warehouse and the area it was in, this was not my mother's usual hangout. My mother considers Olive Garden as too much of a dive as a place to visit. This would be 'Kill me but don't take me there' type. Maybe she was being kidnapped. Because the Virginia Carter I knew would not step into this place willingly. But step in she did. And that too alone. This was getting interesting by the minute.

She stepped out of the car and went inside the warehouse. Again there was no one forcing her in. She went on her own. What the hell is going on? For a minute there was fumbling with the camera but it came back on showing a group of people I never thought to see together.

The camera was facing the group on the side but you could make out the person was hiding behind some barrels and odd things to capture the footage. The group of people were clearly visible which meant that he was close enough.

The first person my eyes focused on was Ronald standing next to an elderly gentleman who would have passed for middle aged if it wasn't for his snow white hair. He looked oddly familiar but I couldn't figure out who he was. Apart from Ronald, Mr and Mrs Dwight too stood next to the gentleman. On the other hand, my mother who looked a lonesome figure in the party was joined by her latest ex lover. But the way she greeted him it didn't look like they broke up. In case you were wondering who this man was, it was the fat Republican (the Conservative one) Senator Dwyane Macdonald. Now looking at him through the lens you could make out that he wasn't fat in the conventional sense. He was bulky like a wrestler with most of it concentrated on his abdomen area. But unlike Dwyane the Rock Johnson with whom he shared a name, he had a terrible scowl plastered on his face. Not a pleasant person to meet. Wonder what my mother saw in him.

But whatever she saw in him must have been good enough for her because she was kissing him on both his cheeks and smiling like he was the best man on earth. Love is blind. Hence proved.

He smiled...actually more like one teeny tiny corner of his lip lifted just a little bit for barely 5 seconds before his face went back to the scowl. Yup he was sooo drool worthy!

"Did anyone see you come here?" The elderly gentlemen asked my mother.

"No I was extra careful tonight. No one saw me go out of my house." My father smirked at that. He loves to outwit her and he did. That smirk is gonna be plastered for a long time on his face.

"Good then. How goes the preparations for the wedding? Has your daughter agreed?"

"She's being particularly difficult but I think it's because of that boy she is with. If we get rid of him she'll fold pretty quickly." Yeah and pigs will fly and cows will roar like lions. Even if I do break up with Alex there is no way I am going to marry Ronald. Not even if he is the last man on earth. I'll switch teams like my sister.

"Whats the meaning of this? The girl is causing delay in our plans. How hard is it to woo a girl Ronald? Can you not even do that properly?" The gentleman scolded Ronald. I could see the family resemblance between them but it ended at their physical self. Where Ronald was preppy and somewhat soft, this gentleman was the complete opposite. Despite his age, he looked far more stronger and stood with more confidence.

"I have been trying but she seems to consider me a nuisance. She doesn't want to date me!"

"If you are going to be a weak asshole like that it'd obvious she wouldn't want to date you. Grow a pair of balls son! Take control of the situation. Your future rides on the wedding with that girl. " How the hell am I involved in this? What did she do?

"Well Dwyane how are things at your end? Have you been successful at all?"

"I managed to grease some wheels but they are still hesitant. They want proof of the alliance only then will they commit. It's all riding on the wedding as you say. It has to be a huge public spectacle for them to willingly support us." Something fishy was going on here. What the hell were they talking about? Wedding, future, alliance, proof. Where do I figure in all this? Had my mother sold me to the highest bidder again?

"Well then it's settled. Ronald and Virginia you will have to convince the girl for the marriage. Do it anyway and anyhow. Time is running. And keep up with your work Macdonald. Call me as soon as the wedding is finalised and on track."

It was clear that he was the ringleader of this group. Everyone started to disperse as soon as he dismissed them. Who was he and what did he want ?

The video switched off after everyone left the warehouse. Total silence occupied the room. Thoughts were running wild in my head. Why was I instrumental to any success or failure of their plans? Why choose me?

"Okay any questions?"

"Who the hell was that old guy? "

"Didn't Virginia break up with that Republican?"

"Why are they after my girlfriend?"

"Whats with the wedding planning?"

Questions flew around like bullets in the Matrix franchise. Everyone was as confused as I was with the exception of Adrian. He seemed to know something.

"Yes yes for further information on this newspiece our reporter Adrian will takeover." The drama queen exited the stage saying so.

"How nice of you to drop the bomb and leave me to clear up the aftermath! " Adrian took up my father's mantle except now instead of a drama queen we had an MI6 spy to contend with our questions.

"Well after Blaine's spies brought the footage, I managed to identify the major players and researched them. Also my team too had some interesting things to report back as well. Its not easy investigating political figures but I pulled some strings. And I think I have a comprehensive picture of what is going on. So hold your horses let me start by introducing the key players."

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